Chapter 6 <Esmeralda>

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I stood in the shower for quite some time. Letting the warm water run down my slim body as the suds washed away with it. I sighed and closed my eyes, craning my neck until it popped, letting out a soft groan. The clear glass was beginning to fog up after being in there for so long but I never really got to take a shower on my own.

This was enjoyable to say the least. Privacy didn't exist where I lived. Some one was always joining me whether I liked it or not. So, yes, this was amazingly nice. I finished cleaning myself and slowly turned the water off before opening the door. Steam spread out from the shower as I stepped out grabbing a towel and drying off my hair and body. After wrapping the towel around my waist and looked around and paused. There was clothing neatly stacked on the counter which confused me. It definitely wasn't there before. I was also sure I locked the door.

Maybe I'm going crazy. I sighed and shook my head. Yeah, maybe that's it. I drop the towel to the floor and pick up the t-shirt and throw it over my body. I look down and my face goes red. Laying on top of some sweats are some silky red panties. Made for the male anatomy, of course. Don't get me wrong, I where underwear like that all the time. However, it's the fact that as I held them up for examination, written on the ass of it was: Master's.

"You're fucking me..." I sighed and pulled them on. I hated not having underwear on so this gave me no choice. I pulled the sweats on and walked to the door opening it. Magnus was sitting in bed reading. So I cleared my throat looking at him. He hummed in response.


"What's with the undergarments?" I scoffed cocking my hip and crossing my arms.

"You're wearing them aren't you? Don't complain to me if you're wearing them." He said slowly looking at me in the eyes. They narrowed and I blinked in surprise.

"Now come to bed, you must be tired," Magnus closes his book and set it on the night stand next to him. I stared at him for a while and slowly walked around the bed to the empty side. I stared at that spot before looking at him.

"You don't have an extra room or anything...?" I slowly asked. Magnus hummed.

"Unless you'd like to sleep in my nephews bedroom, no I don't. Sorry." I tilted my head and bit my lip, irritated. He had a slight smug look on his face as he crossed his arms over his broad chest.

" you have a nephew-"

"Just get in the damn bed, Esmeralda, I won't touch you. I won't even look at you. I'll keep my back turned to you the whole night, I vow on my mother's grave," Magnus said with slight bitterness. Someone didn't have much patience.

However, I was being a bit of a nuisance. For a while now, actually. But what did he expect from a spoiled child from a rich family that traffics children? I guess he thought I would be a bit more traumatized.

"Okay, I'm laying down," I muttered in annoyance, slipping under the soft, warm covers. My head rested upon the pillow set out for me and I stared off into space. I felt the bed shift so I looked over my shoulder. Magnus submerged himself fully under the covers, turning his back to face me. He kept his promise. For now, at least. My breathing was a bit shaken at first as I tried to sleep. I felt a bit on edge and nervous. My eyes opened and closed as I tried to lure myself to sleep, my body grew clammy and cramped but I refused to move a muscle. I didn't want to annoy or disturb the man next to me, out of fear possibly? But there was another feeling there, it was hidden under all the other senses I knew.

I brushed it off rather quickly, though. Insomnia was what my brain concluded and so I laid there, staring into the dark room. Until, finally, I drifted to sleep. I woke up late in the morning. Magnus was missing from the bed. A groan escaped my lips as I buried my face into the pillows. Fuck, it feels so early. I slowly sat up and looked at the nightstands clock.

12:45 pm

I slept for longer than usual. I would've been up by at least 6 am with my parents. I guess I was up late last night. Perhaps I was dreaming I was but I didn't dwell on it as I slowly got up from bed and stretched. My hands gently rubbed the crust from my eyes as my feet almost trailed behind me. I walked to the bathroom and looked at the sink. Besides the sink was a note and a toothbrush along with toothpaste.

For you, Esme. It read in neat penmanship. I sighed softly and rinsed the dry bristles of the tooth brush before applying the toothpaste. I brushed my teeth and stared myself in the mirror. A mess. I was an utter and complete mess. More than I had been in a while. My mind was jumbled and my hair was suffering due to bed head from sleeping with wet hair. I, oddly, had dark circles under my eyes and bags. I had never noticed those before until now. Had I always looked this...disgusting? I'm so skinny.

I paused and realized that I didn't need to brush my teeth for any longer. I rinsed my mouth and searched for a comb or hair brush of some kind. When I finally found one, I fixed up my hair and walked out of the bathroom towards the exit of the bed room. I quickly made my way down the hall then paused and turned back around, going right this time. The left side had a dead end. I finally came across a spiral but lengthy staircase that could definitely have room for at least three people. I gripped the metal railing, painted black, as I descended down the steps slowly. The smell of breakfast instantly hit my nose but I stopped walking.

I wasn't sure if I was actually allowed to get out of the bed. In fact, I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to do anything. But, of course, with my luck as I was about to rush back upstairs, Magnus came from the kitchen. He was already dressed for the day, wearing jeans and a plain black shirt. Once our eyes met I could feel my stomach drop. My hand gripped the railing tightly but I held my head up high and pulled on a defensive glare.

"You're up, good morning," He gave me a lopsided smile and rested his hands on his hips.

"Morning," I muttered and relaxed slowly. I guess he wasn't mad.

"Are you coming to get breakfast or not? Don't just stand there. I promise I'm not going bite. Carter might, but he's leaving soon," He almost mused at me. I arched my eyebrow and slowly walked over to him.

"Carter?" I asked slowly, "Who's carter?" Maybe he has a lover.

"My nephew," He hummed. Never mind. Magnus hesitantly reaches out and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. As soon as it came I jerked back quickly at the feeling of being touched.

"Get away!" I seethed, hugging myself tightly. My shoulders grew completely tense and I was afraid that I showed weakness to him. He stared at me with a shocked expression before his eyes dulled darkly. I looked away from him, waiting for him to slap me. To do something as punishment, but he only sighed.

"Sorry, that was my fault. Let's go eat, try not to mind carter. He'll probably glare at you anyway," He muttered and walked away, to what I assume was the kitchen. I slowly followed and locked eyes with a young man. His eyes resembled Magnus's and his hair was strangely pink. His eyes narrowed slowly at me and I looked away as Magnus pulled a chair out for me. I hesitantly sat and stared at the food that was placed in front of me.

When was the last time I had a real breakfast with my parents alone. All I can think about is the times in my childhood where I had to wait until my parents were done eating. Then I would eat. Isn't that how you treat a dog you own? To show them that you're in charge? Wow. I've never really thought about it like that, I guess. I really am just a slut and a pet for them. At least, I was.

"...Who the hell is he?" I looked up from my plate, pausing. Magnus and his nephew were just staring at me. Much to my embarrassment, I quickly realized I was scarfing down the food like a starved man.

"Carter, this is Esmeralda. He'll be staying with us for a while," Magnus hummed. "Oh, and watch your language, spitfire." Carter only rolled his eyes and stood.

"If I comeback and he's in my room, I'll make sure to summon demons upon you," Carter grumbled. Magnus chuckled and waved him off.

"Go get some education, you little shit." He snickered. I held back a smile and watched carter leave the kitchen, then it was followed by fading footsteps and what I assume the front door closing. It was now just Magnus and I.

Eating breakfast. After all that happened the night before. I guess life really can take odd turns.

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