Chapter 41 <Esmeralda>

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"Here you go." I looked up and smiled softly as Magnus handed me a plate as he sat next to me. Some random show was playing on the TV and we watched in silence as we ate our own cinnamon rolls. My body leaned closer to Magnus and I small smile pulled at my lips since he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. His body heat radiated off of him, hitting me in pleasant waves.

"How does your body feel?" Magnus asked gently, his fingers rubbing the skin beneath the short sleeve. I've never really worn short sleeves much.

"Better, a lot better," I sighed softly, relaxing against his touch. I savored the taste of sweet cinnamon as I continued to eat, a smile still grazing my lips. "I like this show," I mumbled before Magnus could reply to my previous answer. I didn't want to talk about anything like that right now. He seemed to get the hint and played along with my stalling game.

"It's a good show, I agree." He hummed, placing his finished plate on the coffee table. I nodding and licked my lips.

"But Rachel and Ross aren't very smart..." I mumbled. "They should just stay together." I sighed and Magnus chuckled.

"Yeah, they're dumb this season," He mumbled, reaching over to rub my tummy as I finished the last of my food. "You've got a food baby," He said playfully. I frowned and looked down.

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked, looking back up at him. Magnus gasped, faking a hurt expressing as his free hand placed itself on his broad chest in an offended matter.

"How dare you, baby! I would never, ever say that. Matter of fact, you're at a beautiful and healthy wait," He smirked and leaned forward. My eyes widened and I slowly leaned back until my back was laid against the couch. He trapped me between his arms and smirked.

"What are you doing?" I asked quickly while he slowly lifted my shirt up. Magnus smirked more and his face dove down, blowing a raspberry against my soft flesh. I gasped loudly and laughed, pushing gently at his head.

"No! No! It tickles!" I laughed hysterically, a huge grin creeping onto my face. I squirmed and laughed harder. Magnus began to bite at my stomach, tickling my thighs and hips. I laughed so hard it hurt. "St...stahp!" I slurred, "I cant breathe, stooooooopppppppppp!" I panted. Magnus slowly stopped and pulled away, hovering over me.

"I got you," He smirked, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I blushed and caught my breath finally, pushing my shirt down.

"You're such a jerk," I pouted softly. "I told you to stop and you didn't."

"But I did stop," He winked at me. "Just not so soon." I rolled my eyes earning me a light smack on my thigh. I giggled softly and leaned up, kissing him gently. Magnus groaned gently into my mouth and pulled me flush against his body.

"I guess you're right," I mumbled, pulling away slowly.

Magnus hummed and sat up with me still in his arms. "Of course I'm right, love," He smiled smugly before letting go of me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his silliness and got up, picking out plates up. Magnus seemed to stare at me with gaze of support as I walked to the kitchen. My body grew hot with embarrassment as I rinsed the plates, placing them in the dish washer.

"Magnus?" I called out, walking back into the living room. Magnus hummed, now standing from his seat. "We're going to see Adam tomorrow, right?" I asked softly.

Magnus nodded, "Yes, of course. And I'm going to be right by your side," he stated. I bit my lip and nodded, slowly reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck. Magnus smirked softly at the small action and massaged my waist. "What is it?" He almost cooed, leaning closely to my face.

"...I love you," I whispered softly, smiling as Magnus grinned widely. Happiness danced in his eyes.

"My love, you know exactly how to make me feel good," He said, pleased. "I love you too."

"I could make you feel even better..." I said slowly, blushing. It just slipped from my lips. Magnus simply chuckled and pecked my lips.

"Oh, could you?" He asked with a playful tone. I smiled shyly and stood on my toes to place a soft kiss on his throat.

"Yeah, I could," I whispered, removing his arms from my waist. I laced out fingers together and smiled up at him. He chuckled gently and began to sway slowly, making me sway with him. A frown pulled on my lips.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Dancing, what else does it look like?" He asked, tilting his head. I huffed softly and pouted up at him.

"I know that, why are you dancing?" I asked. "There's no music and it's so random—"

Magnus shushed me, "Shhh, you're talking way to much during such a nice moment, love." He chuckled as my pout intensified, placing a chaste kiss on my forehead. "I'm dancing to music, you just have to listen." He began to hum some song I had never really heard before. It sounded slow and beautiful, my body relaxed in response. I laid my head on his chest, swaying with his body. Our hands separated, his laid back on my waist and mine laid upon his chest. He continued to hum while we danced, the TV was quiet, something I just noticed. I figured he just paused the thing to do this cheesy stuff with me.

"You're good at dancing," I mumbled softly. Magnus chuckled with amusement and held me tightly.

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself," He complimented. My smile grew while we continued.

"I want to dance with you for the rest of my life—" My voice died out as Magnus stopped humming. He stopped dancing too. My feet had froze up shortly after and my mouth felt dry as I slowly looked up at him. I was terrified that he would have this look of regret on his face. When I met his look, my mouth fell open in shock. He wasn't upset, seemingly. Magnus has a gaped open mouth, wider than mine, his eyes were glowing their vibrant gold color, and he looked like he would just burst.

"What did you just say?" Magnus asked, a rush of words jumbled so quickly together it could've been mistaken for one word.

My cheeks felt warm, my entire body felt warm, and my heart sped up. My fingers began to fiddle with his shirt as my gaze threatened to cast downward. But I just couldn't look away from his reaction. It was honestly priceless and I wanted it to stay engraved in my memory forever. "Well..." I mumbled. "I just, I mean..." I stumbled shyly. Magnus stared at me with the same look, slowly growing into adoration.

"I—" Oh, please don't chicken out, Esmeralda! "I want to dance with you for the rest of my life." I was surprised I didn't stumbled over the words once again, it was such a bold statement. A confident one, too. I felt a wave of emotions consume but once I concentrated on Magnus again, they all transformed into one feeling only. Love.

"Amica mea, tu mihi laetissimus est vita hominis super terram!" He exclaimed. "Those words are everything to me, sweetheart. I'll keep those on my mind, don't you worry," Magnus whispered, pressing his lips to mine.

"Oh—Okay," I stuttered gently, holding back a giggle as his lips fluttered against my neck. "Stop it, no tickling!" I laughed softly, craning my neck away. "I'm tired I want to go to bed." I huffed up at him. Magnus grinned.

"My bad, my beautiful queen," He winked.


I would like to give a little shout out to Kidatash  and her new story "Reservation". It's honestly a very good story that addresses a minority not many people actually pay attention too and I would love it if at least some of you took the time to check it out and help her out. I don't think you'll regret showing her your support!

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