Chapter 21 <Magnus>

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My hips began to slowly thrust in and out of him. "I'll love you," I whispered huskily. "Fuck, I'll love you so much."

"Please," Esmeralda whimpered incoherently, grasped the pillow under his head tightly. He looked lost and his beautiful eyes sparkled with lust and mixed emotion. Confusion. Anger. Hunger. Desperation. But then there was a sudden flash of love mixed with fear.

"Esmeralda, keep your eyes on me," I whispered gently. "Eyes on me, and remember that special word we agreed on," I groaned, bucking my hips harder.

"I-It's Gold." I nodded.

"Good boy, such a good boy," I panted, my hair becoming disheveled and dripping with sweat. Esmeralda whimpered as I suddenly pulled out all the way before slamming back into him.

"Oh, fuck!" He scream with mixed in with his moan. Found it. My lips pulled into a dark smirk.

"Fuck, you're so tight and wet for me," I growled with lust. Esmeralda quivered beneath me, his eyes rolling back and his back arching as I pelted his prostate over and over.

"God, oh god, Magnus," He cried out, tugging at his hair roughly. I groaned and grabbed his wrists.

"You really need to learn how to listen, pet," I growled in his ear. My hands slowly stretched his arms over head and murmured in Latin. Now his arms were really stuck. I smirked. My eyes must've been shining because as I pulled back, his purple eyes widened.

"You're stunning. Beautiful," I admired, stroking him quickly with each violent thrust which had him screaming and begging for more. "Who do you belong to, pet?"

"Mmmmphhhh!" He moaned, pressing together. My hand came down on his thigh. Esmeralda yelped and moaned.

"Answer me or I'll fuck you till you can barely walk," I seethed down at him.

"Yours..." he whispered his answer. My hips slowed down with a warning look. Esmeralda whimpered and raised his voice.

"Yours, I'm yours. Master, I'm yours," He cried out, tears streaming down his face. I grinned and licked slowly up his neck.

"Cum, baby," I groaned, pulling out as I shot my load. Esmeralda moaned out and came violently, seemingly frustrated that he couldn't more his arms. I watched as he slowly fell apart beneath me and kissed him gently. Letting his arms free, I rolled onto my back and held him close to my chest. His chest heaved heavily with small noises of relief exiting him.

"I've got you, love," I murmured into is hair. "I've got you. Sleep...just sleep..."

His eyelids closed slowly dropped. "Good boy," I whispered gently, brushing he sweaty hair from his forehead so I could kiss the heated flesh. I held him for a while, humming softly to him a lullaby I recalled from my childhood. Esmeralda was completely knocked out but with a calm, sedated look that left me with a growing pride in my chest. I made him scream with pleasure and that's what had my on a whole nother high. My eyes glued down on the dirty bed sheets and Esmeralda himself.

"Time for some after care, baby." I got up carefully and picked him up. "Okay, just sit there for a second. Oh, I know, I know. You're tired, I know," I cooed gently as I sat him on the bathroom counter. He groaned and whined softly, hugging my neck. I wet a rag under warm water and wiped him clean, then myself. Making sure he was okay sitting up by himself, I moved back to the bed and ripped the soiled sheets from the bed and laid another late blanket over it.

Esmeralda instantly held onto me the minute I picked him back up. His body shivered and curled up once he was back on the bed so I covered him with a blanket from one of the cabinets in the bathroom. I sighed and leaned against the wall, watching him. My phone suddenly began to ring which made my tense and pick it up. Esmeralda whined quietly and shifted around while I answered the phone.

"Anderson," I answered bluntly, walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

"Eh, Magnus, what's with that harsh tone?" My jaw clenched.

"Carlos," I growled. He chuckled through the phone, static slightly mixing in with his ugly laugh. "What the fuck do you want?" I spat with irritation.

"Tch~ I was just checking in to see how my favorite toy is doing in your care. Have you already started cuffing him the the wall?" Carlos asked with a grin showing through his tone. Which was, as always, playful and mischievous.

"That's something I don't plan on sharing with you, of all people, Alvarez," My eyes narrowed as I leaned my naked hip against the counter, looking at my reflection.

"Oh, don't be so cruel, mi amigo!" He laughed darkly, "We are business partners, Magnus. You can't just ignore me when I call."

"Is that a threat?" I asked lowly, glaring at my reflection.

"No. But this is. If you don't get that money to Pride and Lust soon, my guys'll come on in, shoot up that club of yours, and take the little whore themselves," Carlos snickered. A growl threatened to rip from my throat. "And, who knows! If I do it exactly how they want it, I could be Esmeraldas first husband. I'll get to tap that pretty hole the way I want to, all day long. Let him ride me and all, wouldn't that be a sight!" A sick laughter bursted from him. I could hear him slapping his thigh and stomping his foot from amusement.

My eyes darkened slowly. "Sorry, Alvarez. That's sadly not going to happen. Esmeralda is my pet now. And I don't share my pets." I hung up and gripped the phone tightly, fingers turning white until I basically crushed the phone in my hand. "No one is taking you away from me. No one will take what belongs to me," I growl intensely and walk back into the bedroom.

There he is, laying there. Still in the same position I had left him in. Completely at peace and content with the climate he was in. Content with being with me. No way in hell was I going to let Esmeralda be pushed back into such a cruel and dark world. He deserved to get up in the morning and eat a real breakfast. He deserved to go out and have fun with friends how ever he wanted. He deserved the choice of being free or not.

The world he came from gave him nothing like any of those things. No love or remorse or compassion. I could give him all those things. I am his mate after all. "Your soul mate," I whisper gently, laying next to him slowly.

My heart throbbed with love as he slowly moved close to me. The connection was getting harder and harder for him to ignore. And it was the same with me. I stroked his hair gently while holding him to my chest, closely. His breath brushed against my skin delicately while his hands curled up against my collar bones. His skin was perfect and flawless. It was almost as if, by each day, he was becoming brighter and brighter with light. He would smile a bit more or lower his temper. His guard slowly was coming down.

"They won't have you, baby. They won't," I sighed, rubbing my fingers along his spine. Then an idea, crazy but understandable, formed in the working gears from my brain.

I'm going to kill Carlos Alvarez.

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