Chapter 39 <Magnus>

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"For fucks sake," Adam cursed quietly, leaning back in his seat. My frown deepened slowly.

"Well what else am I supposed to do? Wait it out?" I asked. "I might as well bring the fight to them before they have him."

"I know you're eager to get rid of them. I am too. But you have to remember that we don't know exactly what they plan on doing or how they approach us—"

"You have men!" I cut him off. "Why can't they just at least guard my love?" My lips curled into an angry snarl. Adam looked back at me calmly.

"My men aren't ready to fight another fight," He said calmly, "They've been through a rough fight already with..." He let out a sigh and shook his head, then he paused.

"Wait..." he grinned slowly. "I think I have an idea."

"Well that'd be great to know," I threw my hands up. Adam smirked and leaned forward, lacing his fingers in front of his face.

"All they want is money. Of course we won't give them that, it'll only encourage them to traffic more children and more lives will suffer in the process. The point is that they couldn't give a rats ass about Esmeralda. They just want to be paid for giving him away so naively. Let's lure them into a trap. A trap they could never refuse," He eyes darkened and his lips pulled into a sadistic smirk. "That sound good?"

I couldn't help the pleasant feeling of trapping those bastards. I wanted to watch them squirm with shock and fear for what they put him through. So I grinned back at him. "A trap is suiting." I finally agreed.

"Good, I'm glad. I'll get on that as soon as I can. Hopefully this won't take too long, I'm thinking of sending in eyes of my own but I'm having trouble on deciding who I should send to their location," Adam sighed, shaking his head.

"You could send me," I blinked in confusion and looked up to see Adams husband standing in the doorway. He leaned against it, crossing his arms as his right foot swung back and forth, scuffing the ground with his boot. Adam looked over at him with fondness and love.

"You're back," He smirked, "Training go well?"

"It did," he shrugged and looked over at me. I gave him a wink and leaned back in my seat. "Did you not hear me?" Six asked slowly, casting his gaze back upon Adam. Now Adams face took a look of distaste.

"Sadly," he grumbled and motioned him to come forward. Six rolled his eyes and walked over to him, standing in front of him.

"I take that as you're not going to accept that offer," Six sighed, linking their fingers together. Adam gave him a smile once again.

"You'd be dumb if you couldn't figure that out, but you're not," He wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his head again the albinos stomach.

"Thanks for the offer, though. I appreciate your attempt to contribute," I interrupted with a sly smirk. Six didn't seem to like me at all. Though, he seemed to never like anyone. But I have seen him smile. His children and mate are the reason for the soft smiles he occasionally pulls. Silas and Adam really enjoy them, I can tell. They don't hide it in front of me. Everyone else spreads rumors about their love, about how fake it seems. That they couldn't be mates and that they're only pretending. That they secretly want each other dead. Once upon a time it was like that, but not now.

As Rowen turned to look at me, his pink lips quirked up into a snarl of distaste. My eyebrow arched and I slowly watched as Adam grabbed his face, gently. "Stop glaring at him, there's no need to," He whispered. The albino ex-assassin only rolled his eyes but relaxed at his loves touch.

"I'm not helping you, Magnus. I'm only helping that poor kid," He said finally, looking at me calmly. "He deserves to be happy, you know."

I gave him a grave smile and rubbed my palms together. "Yeah, He does..." Adam looked over at me and opened his mouth to speak before my phone suddenly went up.

It was Anarchy calling. I looked up at Adam who seemed to harden his face. "I should take this." I said, answering the phone call. "You aren't calling me because of an emergency, right?"

"That's exactly why I'm calling," Anarchy said coldly. "Esmeralda isn't feeling good, I don't know how to explain it. I left to get us drinks from the bar and came back. Then, after a bit, He suddenly started to hunch over and groan like he was in pain. I think you should really come back, with Adam as well," He rushes out. My heart pounded because I could hear Esmeralda sobbing in the background. He was hyperventilating loudly and Anarchy sounded worried.

"I'll be right there." I hung up and stood, gathering my things. "We need to go—"

"Ditch the car, I'll just take you," Adam said, standing up. I gave him a grateful look, grasping his shoulder. It wasn't even a second before we appeared suddenly in the club. I immediately saw Anarchy and Harley hovering around Esme but gave him space. His face contorted into pain and oddly pleasure. But he was suffering, his hands covered up his junk beneath his clothing while he sobbed heavily.

To be honest, I didn't know if I should've even touched him. But once he saw me, his immediate response was to reach out for me, whimpering out my name softly. I essentially lunges forward to get to him, scooping him into my arms and cradling him to my chest. Adam seemed to be trying to figure out what was going on. I was too.

"What's wrong, baby? Tell me what's wrong?" I soothed, rocking back and forth. He struggled to speak and I was a bit shocked to find that he was thrusting his hips against my stomach, releasing a moan of pain.

"Dra..." He slurred, hands shaking as he grasped onto me jacket. ", dra-ink," He panted our with heaviness. I looked over at Anarchy immediately.

"Check his drink right now," I growled, turning back to look down at him worriedly.

"Shit..." Anarchy whispered, looking at Adam. "This is my fault, I shouldn't have gotten drinks from down stairs—"

"You fucking idiot!" I shouted with fury. "Anyone could've been working that damn bar!"

Harley took the glass from Anarchy, swishing what was left of the virgin, sweet drink. His eyebrows creased together. "I've never seen a drug do this to someone..." he admitted in a whisper. He looked back at his best friend with guilt and worry. "Oh, Esme..."

"That drug is new, it's only been out underground for two years. But it's been under development for a while..." Adam said. "...Esmeraldas parents are behind it. They pay the people who make it."

My anger only seemed to become more fueled. "They were here!"

"Right now we should focus on Esmeralda right now!" Harley said urgently. "We need to help him!"

My face pulled into a mix of emotions, all negative. Esmeralda's hips were still grinding against me, his eyes panicked, confused, dilated. "It's some kind of sex drug, we should take him to my place." Adam held my shoulder. I stilled his hips, wincing as my baby let out a sob mixed with an agonizing whimper.

"Then let's go," I gritted out.

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