67: All the Time, Forever

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I ran over to a ladder, allowing me to get atop the walls, and climbed it as quickly as my body would allow. Once I was atop the wall, I was able to get a clear view of what was happening inside our home, and chills erupted from my spine.

Walkers were roaming everywhere, with the screams of fellow Alexandrians piercing through the creatures' guttural sounds. I couldn't see any of our people yet, and I wondered if they had been forced to retreat into the houses. I figured that option was for the best, but considering there was no way I could even make it through the front gates, I went with the next best option for me.

I began rapidly firing at any and every walker that I could hit.

I was conservative of ammunition, but also firing as fast as the weapon would allow. Walkers were falling to the ground in heaps, their unmoving bodies piling up in the streets.

"Sidney!" I heard Rosita call from below. I stopped shooting for a short moment to look down at her, and saw she was standing beside Alexandria's open, front gate. "Cover me!"

I gave her a strict nod, and reloaded the gun before aiming and beginning to shoot once again. I watched as Rosita darted into the community, and I made sure to shoot all the walkers close to her, clearing a direct path for her to walk in.

She was heading for the infirmary, I figured out, but before she could enter through the door, it was thrown open by someone else. I couldn't tell who it was at first, but I saw Rosita go into the building, and the other person step out onto the porch. They looked up directly to where I was shooting, and that's when I figured out that the person was Rick.

Even from afar, I could see him give me a strong nod, his face remaining stern. Then, the man went out into the walker-infested streets and began to fight them off, alone. Without a second thought, I repositioned the aim of my gun, and began to cover him, shooting the walkers around him. I was a good enough shot, so hitting him wasn't a concern to me.

Soon enough, everyone else began to join him, forming a tight circle and beginning to kill walkers all around them. Bodies dropped to the ground faster than I could count.

With them covering that area, I moved on to another, killing off walkers like there was no tomorrow. I was alone up on the wall, the only one with an overhead view, and so I had an advantage over the people on the ground.

Or, I did, until I ran out of ammo.

It must've been twenty minutes of nonstop shooting before I pulled the trigger, and a hollow click was all that emitted from the weapon. I cursed under my breath, realizing that I had no more ammunition whatsoever. Letting out a frustrated groan, I slung the weapon over my shoulder, and turned to go back down the ladder to get more from Rosita and I's car.

Although, when I saw that the entryway to Alexandria was overflowing with walkers, I stopped short. That time, I cursed out loud, practically screaming out an extremely vulgar word at the top of my lungs.

"Jesus! Daryl, I think your daughter's been hanging around me too much!"

My eyes widened at the voice, and I looked down directly below me, at the ladder. There, in all his glory, was Abraham, climbing up onto the wall directly beside me, sporting a wide grin. Beneath him was Sasha, and then finally my dad, who looked extremely angry with me. I didn't care.

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