96: The Only Way

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Even after the Saviors fled from Alexandria, we weren't done with them. Oh, no, we were not finished. We hadn't won yet, and we wouldn't stop until we won.

We didn't wait a hot minute after the battle before devising a plan, and putting it into action. According to Rick, any able-bodied person from Alexandria, Kingdom, and Hilltop would head out with him to the Saviors compound, locked and loaded with shielded cars. Carol, Tara, and Dad had rigged an entire line of explosives that my dad would blow up on Rick's cue, sending a herd of walkers we had spotted directly towards the Sanctuary.

Michonne was forced to stay behind, due to the fact that she was heavily wounded by one of the trash people in the fight, and Carl was appointed by Rick to stay with her. Carl was, of course, angry that I was allowed to go and he wasn't, but for some reason unknown to me, Rick wanted me to come. I don't think Dad was as eager, considering he wouldn't be there with me, but he trusted Rick, and everyone else. He knew Rick would give his life before he let anything happen to me, or anyone he cared about, for that matter.

As we approached the Sanctuary, we busted through the building's surrounding gates, slinging our cars around to the front of the building and immediately setting up our battle zone. The cars were parked strategically, so the tin plates attached to their side doors could protect us from any oncoming gunfire. Everyone got in their places, and, with Rick's signal, we all sent one bullet from each of our guns ripping through the air, a sound that would surely allure Negan of our arrival.

No more than a minute later, out walks the man himself, accompanied by Simon, Dwight, Eugene, and two other Saviors who I didn't know the names of.

"Well, shit! I'm sorry, I was in a meeting," Negan announced, looking around at our setup with some admiration. "I see you've got your little mud-flaps, there. So, I'm not exactly seeing a reason for us to throw lead at each other. I care about my people. I don't wanna just march them into the line of fire because I want to prove my testicles are bigger than yours! I'm certainly not gonna let my people die over that shit like you're about to."

I remained motionless from my position behind the car's shield, Maggie on my left, and Enid on my right. I was just waiting for the signal to start firing; my finger was resting lightly on the trigger, and I was ready at any moment.

"So, Rick? What the Hell can I do for you?" Negan asked, outstretching his arms in a broad gesture.

I turned my head, and watched as Rick cocked his head to the side. "Dwight," he called out, pointing to the man up on the loft. "Your name's Simon," he followed. "And Gavin."

He pointed to a woman, "and you?"

She answered, her voice coming out as a snarl. "Regina."

"Rick, I'd feel remo-..." Eugene began, but Rick immediately cut him off.

"No! I know who you are," Rick growled. "Listen... you five, the Saviors inside, all of you have a chance to survive here, to survive this. Ya'll can live, if you surrender. Can't guarantee it anytime but now, right now."

I turned my attention back to Negan, and saw, with distaste, that the bastard was grinning.

"So they surrender, and you and your little piss patrol doesn't kill them... That sounds like a good deal! But what about me, Rick?"

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