Chapter 31 | Remembering You ( Part ll )

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Chapter 31 | Remembering You ( Part ll )

"Tell me," Alpha Horton said with a hard tone but if you were to listen closely, underlying the hardness of his voice; Alpha Horton is begging.

"My mate, Rosaline." Alpha Horton said.

He could not seem to make any coherent words without choking up.

'Is this real?' Alpha Horton asked himself in disbelief. 'Or is Hastis just playing with me?'

"I am not playing with you, Alpha Horton." Hastis said as he looked up at the bright moon above.

"Did you just read my mind?" Alpha Horton asked with an accusing tone.

Hastis chuckled in response.

"One does not need to do that, Alpha Horton. Your face clearly shows what you are thinking right now."

Hastis then stepped away from the window and approached Alpha Horton.

"Celestiana wanted to make sure that I tell you this tonight," Hastis sighed.

Alpha Horton was hopeful yet afraid at the same time. He already has an idea about what Hastis' next words are about but he is too scared that this might all be some kind of sick joke.

After all, he did kill his mate.

"Alpha Horton, are you listening to me?" Hastis asked once he realized that Alpha Horton is slipping away from him.

"I just don't want this to be some sick cruel joke, Hastis." Alpha Horton responded.

Hastis was silent for awhile but then he suddenly let out a loud guffaw.

"Oh, dear...Celestiana sure is one great Goddess." Hastis laughed. "Her own creation doesn't even trust her!" He laughed once more.

Alpha Horton growled lowly. He didn't like Hastis making fun of him.

"Just tell me already." Alpha Horton growled.

Hastis suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Alpha Horton with dark eyes.

"Maybe I will," Hastis began. "Or maybe I won't."

"What!?" Alpha Horton demanded.

"You ought to learn some respect for the powerful, Alpha Horton." Hastis said lowly. "You may be an Alpha but I am way more powerful than you."

Alpha Horton wanted to growl once more but kept his lips silent. He figured out that the more emotions he showed, the more reasons Hastis will find to taunt him and stall the words he wanted to hear the most.

His wolf and him wanted to hear those words.

Hastis saw that Alpha Horton kept his mouth shut.

"Now, we're talking." Hastis chuckled as he flashed Alpha Horton a charming grin.

"Your mate is alive, Alpha Horton." Hastis said slowly as if wanting to drill those words into Alpha Horton's mind.

Alpha Horton's heart skipped a beat and he could feel his wolf itching to get out and find his mate.

But one thing stopped him.

"I felt my bond with her break." Alpha Horton looked at Hastis with suspicious eyes.

His wolf might not be able to handle the pain once more if this is all some kind of sick joke. His wolf might finally leave him forever.

| MMRM | My Mate, Remember Me Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora