Chapter 7

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AN: Love you all! This is Rex or what I think she would look like. Sorry I can't post a lot this week or next I will try but I am really busy. Also this is a short chapter sorry I will try and post tomorrow but idk if i will be able to

It was light, way to light for it to be my room and to light for hell, it is always pretty dark down there because most demons have amazing eyesight. 

I look around I am in a very large foyer of what seemed to be familiar. There was a large glass chandelier above me and a large staircase in front with a freakin fountain at the top. 

R-Fuck. I whisper under my breath as I remembered what this place was but I swore I would never come back or forgive the assholes who live here.

I walk up the stairs where I know the main throne room is. I push open the large golden doors to find the large angelic being sitting in his throne looking down on me. 

R-Long time no see Seraphim! What has it been 6, 7 million years? Thankfully! Not seeing your ugly ass face was the best thing about you damming me to hell with your twin and your other 3 best generals. 

S- Has it really been that long? Time flies when you don't have annoying pest by your side all the time. She snaps back clearly pissed that she has to see me again 'How's your arm and leg doing by the way?'She says with a smirk

I almost growl at her but I resist the urge to do it and say 'How's ruling with a ton of idiots who don't know what the fuck they are doing' 


R- Now why the fuck am I back here you made it VERY clear that you never wanted to see me again when you sent me to HELP run hell. You didn't even trust me enough to run it you stuck me with second in command and the strongest of the 4 curses. 

S- I didn't bring you here you are here in your subconscious nothing to do with me. Didn't you miss me though I am your mother after all.

 R- Just because you created me doesn't make you my mother. Mothers are supposed to love and care for their kids not damn and dismember their kids! I live in hell I see plenty of bad moms and you are by FAR the worst. 

S- HEY! I dismembered you once! And I gave you a cool new arm and leg that is way cooler than your real one. 

R- My point real mom's wouldn't have done it all. And I am pretty sure an arm and a leg count as two separate things, and if we are going off that logic it was technically three. 

S- What do you mean I am 99% sure I only destroyed two of your limbs. 

I pull down my shirt and show her the scar where my heart would be if it was if it was on the outside of my body. 

R- Remember I am still your kid and a formally super high ranking angel which means I would have had a soul mate that was also an angel but when you damned me and made me a fallen my heart got ripped out of my body and is in the body of whichever angel is my soul mate. Along with a heart-shaped scar where mine went into their body.

S- Ahhhh I forgot about that. Well so sad too bad for you! she said with a laugh. 

I am a normally pretty kept together person but seeing her and her saying that just threw me over the ledge so I charged at her and right before I was gonna make contact I woke up. 

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