Chapter 34

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AN: Enjoy! I realize this isn't realistic but it would be fun.

Rex- By the way Ellen, I was hoping you could help me surprise some more people while we are here.'

Ellen- What did you have in mind?

I give her an evil smirk

I whisper in her ear my plan. 

She smiles probably already thinking of a way to pull it off and says. 'They are filming right now 5 minutes away, I am going to make a call you head over there now. They will definitely make it happen considering the judge's love you and haven't seen you in a while. I will have some of my cameras follow you so we can watch what happens after' I nod in agreement and stand up to start heading out as Ellen makes a call. 

Everyone seems a little confused, so I say 'Don't worry everything will get explained soon but we don't want anyone to ruin the surprise.'

They all cheer as I walk out the stage doors to a car that was waiting. The camera crew piles in after me and we head off. Ellen only sent 2 people, a guy and a girl with me and they seem shy and scared of me. 

Rex- Hi guys I am Rex nice to meet you!

Amy- Hi nice to meet you too! I am Amy and this is Jake. If you don't mind me asking how did you meet Ellen. I haven't seen you in the news or anything.

Rex- I met her a while ago when I went to the Oscars and I won some event that let me sit at a famous people table. She was there and we talked and hit it off.

Jake- Noice, you seem really badass but why do you wear the glove?

Rex- I was in a bad accident a couple of years ago and it left my arm pretty badly damaged and I would rather wear it then get weird looks from random strangers. 

They nod and we continue talking. They seem really cool. Eventually, we get to our destination and get out of the car and are greeted by some stagehands who knew we were coming. 

Jake- Are you really about to crash the voice?

Rex- Yes I am friends with all the judges and haven't seen them for a long time so hopefully they will be happy to see me. 

Amy- Cool!! I am excited to watch this happen. 

Jake nods in agreement and the host walks up to us and hugs me in greeting. 

Host(I forget his name)- Nice to see you again Rex it's been too long the judges are gonna be so excited to see you. What's going to happen is we are gonna put you behind a curtain on stage and tell the judge's to guess who they think it is after you sing then you will be revealed and can hang out a little then get back to Ellen is that cool?'

Rex- It has been too long. And that sounds perfect I am curious if they will guess it is me. 

We continue talking for a minute until it is my time to go onstage. I am standing behind a large curtain that blocks the judges and audience from seeing me. 

I hear the voice over a person who tells them when someone is on stage say...

POV P!nk (I realize she isn't a judge I just love her a lot)

I am sitting in my chair with Adam on my right Kelly on my left with Blake a seat farther down from Kelly. We are waiting for the next person when the guy who tells us a person is coming on says 'This person is behind a curtain and it is a special challenge round you guys have to guess who this person sounds like and then they will be revealed. ' 

We all look at each other confused but Adam yells 'okay'

P.A- Okay they are on stage right now and will be starting shortly.

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