Chapter 20

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AN: Just to say again some characters that are about to be introduced are from shows and not stuff I created. Characters, in the beginning, are mine that I created.

The last bell rang and I walk to my locker knowing Zoey would meet me here so we could head to Game of scones on my bike together. 

They walked up to me and I could sense that they were there and they hugged me from behind.

R- Hey Hon

Z-Hey babe how was your day 

R-It was good you trying to bite Octavia's head off made my day.

Z- She seems sweet I am surprised you weren't more pissed at her for trying to punch you.

As we continue talking we walk outside to my bike agreeing to meet the gang at the coffee shop. 

R- Yah I was also but I got a good feeling about her and she just wants someone to teach her self defense and mentor her a little bit about stuff. I think she has been stuck in her brother's shadow for too long and wants to figure out who she is. 

Z- Have you meet her brother yet

R- Nope it is just a gut feeling 

Z-Fair enough

We got to my bike at that point and I pass them their helmet and climb on and start the engine. They climb in behind me and we head off to the shop. 

It only took 5 minutes to get to the coffee shop. 

When we get there I see a group of about 12 people standing with my friends. 

Zoey and I both get off and take our helmets and approach them. 

I see Octavia wave at me from the group bringing everyone's attention to Zoey and I approaching. I don't say anything to Zoey but I can tell they sense it also. The people present (not my friends) were definitely supernatural beings of some kind. 

Rex- Hi, guys! I say once we are close enough that everyone could hear. 

Lican- Hey!

Rex- Okay before everyone goes crazy can we all introduce our selves and say something interesting about themselves

Raven- We aren't 5-year-olds but okay. I am Raven and I was born in Brazil (I don't think that's true but I am using it because I couldn't think of anything else)

Octavia- Stop being sassy Rav, I am Octavia and I have really good hearing. 

Bellamy- Hi I am Bellamy, You can call me Bell or Bellamy your choice, and Octavia is my little sister. I make an ohh face starting to look at him. 

Kara- Hi crazy people!!! I am Kara and apparently, I am a human puppy I don't see it but all my friends insist I am. 

Alex- I am Alex and you are kara. I am gonna be a doctor

Lican- How do you know your gonna be a doctor. 

Alex- I have a full scholarship to the University of California for the medical program there. And who the hell are you

Max- That is Wolfy and I am Max nice to meet you all! I grew up surfing

Lican-My name is not Wolfy that is just my nickname that Max gave me because my real name is Lican, nice to meet you!

Lexa- Hey we both have L names! I am Lexa! I am going to be a poly-sci major in college. 

Clarke- That's so far away! how do you already know your gonna be a poly-sci major. 

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