Chapter 17

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After Rex and Zoey left to go get cleaned up. Beth woke up and we started doing what she said because I pissed off Rex is not something anyone wants to deal with so we listen when she tells us direct order or nothing gets done.

Everyone does what they are told and a couple minutes later we all hear 'What the hell!????' from upstairs and Artemis starts running to the stairs. But I get there before he does and grab his arm before he can make it up.

Without his demonic powers, he couldn't teleport but he was still fast but I was faster thankfully it.

A- Move. I am second and I need to make sure that she is okay. You know that I have to do that.

M- I have a pretty damn good guess about what that was about and it is nothing bad. She will tell you when she is ready.

A- If she doesn't come down in 10 minutes I am going up there with my sword and not even you will stop me.

M-Fair enough

We go back to the kitchen and I help Kris with dinner and tell Monica and griff 'Set the table'

About 7 minutes later I see Artemis finally relax when we both sense that Rex is coming down the stairs.

I am surprised to see that she doesn't have a glamor or a glove over her arm or leg.

A couple minutes later Zoey walks down with wet hair and pj's on.

Everyone sits done at the table. Kris and Lican set the platters of food on the table. Once everyone is sitting we all dig in.

About halfway through Kris asks Rex 'You are not wearing your glamor on your arm or leg. Why is that?'

R- Well, all of you know what my arm and leg truly look like so I didn't see the point in wasting the little magic I use to create those glamors.

M- You are not wrong but with that logic, you need to get rid of ALL your glamors. I say giving Rex a pointed look so she knows that I heard Zoey scream and I knew what it was about.

Griff- What do you mean Max? All her glamors are off. I mean we can't see the heart scar but she doesn't glamor that unless she has to take off her shirt. By the way, I love that we can still use glamors even though we are suppressing our demonic powers.

R- Well that is partially because in the scale of demonic to angelic types of magical power it is neutral but more toward angelic so angels can't sense it but demons can.

Monica- Yah that's true but what is this glamor Max is talking about Rex.

Rex's POV

R- I will tell you but Artemis I order you to stay in your seat no matter what. I say giving Artemis a 'I will whoop your ass if you don't listen' look.

A- Of course. He said with a nod. I know he is gonna regret agreeing to that especially when I explain how I got it.

R- Okay. I release the glamor on the scar and hear gasps from everyone at the table. They were all staring at my neck.

Artemis stands up real fast and slams his fist into the table it would have broken completely had Artemis been using his demonic powers. He says through gritted teeth 'What the fuck happened!'

Scars weren't common on demons and I was one of the few who had some. The only way demons can get them is if an angel uses their pure power to attack which only arc-angels can do.

R-Sit down!

Artemis huffs and sits down and says 'Explain please'

He was definitely pissed as fuck because he prided himself on doing a damn good job at protecting me. And he was probably racking his brain for every single fight that we have ever been in. Trying to figure out which one lead to the scar.

R- Look you remember in the 1300's when we were in Europe?

A-Yeah when we started the black plague that was unfortunate but necessary.

R- Yeah well after you and Sam got sent to your respective worlds. I defeated Zoey but right before they went back too Etheral, they were super pissed that I had started something that killed so many people. So Zoey accidentally lost her temper and accidentally shot their pure power at me and my back was turned so I didn't see it coming. It shot me right before I went back to Nifelhiem. Max found me in my room passed out and bleeding. You were taking care of the demons because we had been gone for a while and they were being crazy. Max told You I was tired and sick from the plague I created. Max patched me up but it left me with this large scar. I just used a glamor and avoided telling anyone because it was embarrassing and pointless.

Artemis stood up slowly and moved toward me giving me a look letting me know he wasn't going to hurt Zoey. He was next to me and punched me in the arm.

A-Next time asshole tell me when you get injured badly!

R- Yah yah sorry I will and I haven't gotten injured badly since so don't worry about it.

Lican- It is a nasty ass scar and looks badass. You should keep it for school and it could be your reason for why you and Artemis weren't at school for three weeks.

Beth- That is a good idea actually.

Kris- I need an excuse anyway for you guys. Let's just tell the school that you got in a bad car accident and that is why you and Artemis weren't at school. You can cover the scar with makeup and take it off if anyone questions and show your leg as extra proof if they don't believe you.

R- That's smart. I am in.

We finish dinner and kept talking and joking around and we slammed on Beth for passing out.

After we finished dinner and everyone went their separate ways. Monica Griff and Beth decided on watching a movie in the living room. Lican and Sam went to their shared bedroom for sleep Artemis went to shower and read in his shared room with Beth. Max decided to read in her alone room because there was an odd number of us.

Zoey and I went upstairs to our room because I did agree to watch that movie they were talking about before.

We were both in PJ's already so we both climbed into bed and she finds the movie on Netflix. Zoey found it and turned it on. The movie has been going for about 10 minutes and Zoey and I had been on opposite sides of the massive bed. I see Zoey scoot a little closer every couple of minutes.

I think they want to cuddle but I can't tell so I stick my hand in between us to see if they might grab it.

My theory is proven right when in a minute I feel them link their pinkie with mine and slowly bring our hands together. They hesitate to see If I would pull away. When I don't they scoot even closer so our shoulders are touching I let go of their hand and I see the disappointment on their face and they start moving away but I grab their arm and pull them into my side and throw my arm around her shoulder. They turn into me and rest their head in the crook of my neck with their hands around my waist and our legs tangled together. I stopped paying attention to the movie even though it was amazing. All I wanted to do was stare at her.

Z- Staring isn't polite

R- Well get used to it. I am gonna be looking at you a lot because your really beautiful.

They hid their face in my chest and I can tell they are blushing a lot. I then feel them smirk and I was about to question what they were smirking about but then I felt her start kissing my neck.

It feels so freakin good and I have to bite my lip to try and stop the moan I was about to let out. I tilted my head back to give her more access and I can feel her smirk again.

They move up my neck to just under my left jawline leaving kisses in their wake. I was trying to hold back the moans that were begging to come out my mouth because I didn't want her to realize how turned on I was. They make the amazing choice to bite the spot and I can't hold back the moan that slips out.

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