Chapter 45

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*Knock Knock

Rex- I will get it. I walk up as the others continue celebrating being back together. There is another impatient knock. 'Coming!' I yell.

I open the door and there stands in all her glory... my mother.

I say 'Mom! What are you doing here?' Hoping I was loud enough that the others heard me and hid. 

Serafin- Can't a mother visit her daughter?

Rex- Not you. What do you want? I say trying to get this over and done with. 

She shoves past me into the living room were luckily none of my friends are. 

Serafin- I just wanted to come check in and remind you of your place in hell considering you haven't been there for several weeks, you definitely needed the reminder.

Rex- And you seem to need a reminder that you aren't in charge of me anymore

Serafin- That is true but I still command everyone in Ethereal and everyone there hates you. If I gave approval all the angels would come after you and your friends. 

Rex- Yet you won't 

Serafin- Why is that

Rex- Two very simple reasons. First, there are angels among your troops who know the truth. The real truth of why and how I came into power in hell and they have orders to tell EVERYONE the truth if I die. Second, you and I both know you are nothing without your army and sending them to their doom for a second time wouldn't go well in the end for you. Especially since a good number of people are mad still from the first massacre. 

Serafin- Well that isn't wrong. 

Rex- So why are you here mother I say with as much venom as I can muster. 

Serafin- I just wanted to make sure you knew that I knew you and your seven lords are here. And your counterpart and her second haven't acted yet but she is probably just waiting for the perfect moment to strike. But they can and will send you back to hell. 

Rex- Okay and until then I am going to chill go to school and be the demon made me.

Serafin- Have fun with that you lazy useless daughter. 

Rex- I have done more in my life then you will ever do. 


Rex- Yah and your pitiful world wouldn't exist without me to balance it. It was flawed and terrible from the start and you know it. 

Serafin huffs and says 'I hear you are trying for the state championship in basketball, have fun losing to my perfect team!

 Rex- We will see. You invaded my territory that was your move in this game of chess. You want to play ball? Well, game on. Have fun with the hell I am about to cause. 

Serafin- What?

Rex- Yah I am going to make your life a living hell, I have gotten quite good at it so enjoy your daughter's skills. 

Serafin- I will just expel you!

Rex- Is that your solution to everything?' I can tell I got under her skin and she was getting pissed. 'You can't, you could try but it would backfire. Again I would have my inside agents expose you, but along with that, I have connections with some powerful people who could destroy your career forever. You couldn't come back in a different form but I could and continue making your life hell. So have fun trying, but for now... you lose. Get the hell out of my house before I throw you out. 

She was practically fuming with steam coming out of her ears. She stands up off the couch and leaves after slamming the door hard.

Octavia runs out first and tackles me in a koala hug before saying 'Are you okay? What did the bitch want!? DETAILS!!!!! PLEASE!!!!' I laugh and set the small feisty girl on her feet as the others join us. We all walk into the kitchen to start eating but I don't see Thea or Kris.

Rex- Hey guys where are Thea and Kris?

Octavia- They are having a much-needed talk I believe speaking of... Raven can I talk to you please.' Raven nods and they walk out the front door. 

Thea's POV 

After Rex kicked her mother out I asked Kris if 'we could talk in the back yard.'

She of course agreed and we found a spot under a shady tree. I started to fidget with my hands.

Kris quietly says 'Hey, what's up your fidgeting and seem nervous. Don't worry it is just me.' She says while squeezing my leg in a reassuring way.

Thea- That's part of the problem

Kris- What do you mean?

Thea- You are so perfect and great and ugghhh frustrating, and adorable, and dorky, and so many other amazing things.

'What's your point' Kris says while raising an eyebrow.

Thea- I don't know. I had a point and now I can't figure out how to explain it.

Kris- Could you show me instead?

Thea- That is even scarier.

Kris- What if I close my eyes at first.' Oh my god this obliviously adorable girl will be the death of me. 

Thea- Sure it will probably be easier. 

Kris closes her eyes and says 'Whenever you are ready just tell me when I can open my eyes.' 

I take a deep breath then lean in and kiss her. Octavia was right it was magical, and fireworks is the only word I can think of to describe it but even that doesn't do it justice. 

Then it hits me. She wasn't kissing me back. So I pull away and stand quickly starting to run away but only get a couple of yards before She catches my arm. 

Trying to hold back my sobs and tears but failing miserably I say 'I get it loud and clear you don't like me back. So let me go!'

Kris pulled me into her chest while hugging me tightly before saying 'I never said that, you just caught me by surprise with the kiss and I didn't have time to react especially considering how mind-blowing it was.'

Through tears, I say 'Yo-u-u like me?' 

Kris smiles and says 'GOD YES! How couldn't I? I mean you are perfect and adorable and strong and amazing! I care so much about you it hurts! 

Thea- Really? I feel the same!' my tone quiets a little, 'When you and the others were in so much pain and I couldn't do anything to save you, it hit me how much I cared about you and I with a little encouragement from O, I decided I didn't want to spend any more time without telling you how I felt.

Kris- Well I am glad you did. She lifts my chin. 'It scared me also, knowing that if I died I would have never gotten the chance to kiss you.' I smile and stand on my tippy toes so I can kiss her. After the magical kiss she asks, 'Will you be my girlfriend?'

Thea- Dammit Kris that was my line! 

Kris- I will take that as a yes? 

I just smile and kiss her.

AN: FINALLY! I have been waiting for the perfect chance to finally make them a couple! I really like them together

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