Chapter 62

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Rex's POV

Everyone piled into the gym and everyone was here except the people in Megan's art class. 

Waves was struggling to fight Raven and everyone else was with their normal partners except Griff who was just waiting for Monica. 

 The three girls shortly walk in and I see Wynonna eying Megan. 

Rex- Sup guys! Introductions of new people. This is Megan, Quinn, and Frankie. You guys know everyone but the Earp's Wynonna and Waverly, Asuna, and Kirito. 

Wynonna- Nice to meet you guys. She was still trying to be discreet about checking out Megan but get's caught and quickly looks away. 

Rex- Okay dorks get back to sparring. 

I walk up to Wynonna who is sitting near the bleachers with Waves. 

I take a seat and see her looking over at Megan who was teaching Quinn some basic moves. 

Rex- If you keep starring she will notice

Waves- Huh?

Wynonna glares at me and says 'Shush'

Rex- You are aware that she is a vampire and on that note an old strong one. 

Wynonna- So? I thought I told you I don't care about that stuff. 

Waves- Non sum confusus est (It will get translated later)

Wynonna- Huh

Megan- Ad iungere clava

Waves- Et Latine loqui? frigus. Nescio quid dicam quis est multus of populus

Megan- Quia ego sum Dominus vampire vetus non fuit lecta diu et multum in.

Clarke- What the hell are you guys saying! English, please! 

Rex- They are speaking Latin

Waves- You speak Latin? 

Rex- Dude I was around when they were creating that language. 

Waves- Fair enough

Sara- What were you saying

Megan- She was confused about what was happening so I said join the club and she was surprised that I speak Latin so I explained the fact that I am a very old vampire. 

Alex- Cool. 

The gym door gets opened and in walked a tall redhead in a button down and blazer. 

Lican- Um hello?

Lady- Hi! This is the self-defense club is it not?

Yang- It is but who are you?

Nicole- Oh sorry I am Nicole Haught I am the AP European history teacher here. 

Rubes- Cool, but why are you here?

Nicole- I wanted to help teach self-defense. I am a volunteer firefighter on the weekends and I have taken a ton of self-defense classes.

Rex- Your welcome to stay but I have teaching pretty under control.

Nicole- What makes you qualified?

Rex- I am a third-degree black belt.

Nicole- Well damn okay. Can you teach me some stuff?

Rex- Of course 

We all hang out and keep practicing. Nicole was really nice and she was getting along really well with Waverly. 

Kris- What are we doing for dinner? Especially with all your friends. 

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