Chapter 29

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AN: Hello

I was really full from the pancakes and everyone was almost ready to leave so I grabbed my bag and went out to the garage to grab some cars for people to drive. 

I grab my jeep for Sam and Kris who are going to pick up Thea and Frankie a girl who I am pretty sure is Sam's soulmate but I am not sure yet.

I grab my motorcycle for Zoey and I.

I grab the SUV for the rest of the gang. Except for Max who is probably going to take her dirtbike or Harley not sure.

Everyone walks out with their bags and stuff. Octavia and Lexa were both wearing their jerseys along and Clarke and Raven were wearing our letterman jackets. Zoey was still in the house probably making people lunches or something, she is such the mom friend it is adorable. 

She walks out and my guess was accurate she had a large cooler and her backpack, with my jacket on but it is really big on her so it is the length of a short dress. I walk up and grab the cooler and her backpack putting them in the back of the SUV with my bag and Max's. 

Max- I am taking my bike Lican your driving because Artemis is not here. 

Rex-I have to go grab Zoey and my helmet's from the garage you guys are good to leave whenever you want too. 

I throw Sam the keys to the jeep that she is in love with.

Sam- No way! Really??

Rex- Yah but if I see one scratch on my baby I will kill you! I say squinting at her and pointing a finger at her. She nods and runs to the car with Kris and Thea close behind. 

I grab the helmets and hand one to Zoey. Everyone takes off for school agreeing to meet in the parking lot.

*time skip to school 

After saying bye to everyone Octavia, Lexa, Kara and I all walk to our first-period class with Mrs. Danvers.

We walk in all saying some form of greeting or another to Mrs. Danvers.

Mrs. D- Hey girls! Kara do you want to bring your friends over for dinner after the game? You can bring whoever you want!

Kara-Sounds fun you guys in?

Lexa- I am in.

Octavia- Sure 

Rex- Sounds fun

Time skip just before the rally

I was walking with the team to the rally because we agreed to meet up beforehand and go together. Agreeing to meet with the others after the rally because we have to be on the gym floor because the rally is in support of us as a team. 

We walk into the gym and our students erupt in cheers! There are people holding signs and clapping. Once everything quiets down we all walk to the center of the gym where they have chairs set up for us to sit and a podium next to the chairs where the principle is standing. We sit down and principle dolls say's 'Good Afternoon students. We are here to celebrate our basketball team and how badly they are going to destroy our rivals, the Tigers.' Everyone cheers at this. and the principal continues. 'We have lost to our rivals for the last 5 years in the state championship, but no more!' More cheers, even louder if that's possible. 'This Year we got a New student who has become a part of our team, and according to our team captain Heda' Lexa stands and gives the crowd a wave that makes them go wild. I raise an eyebrow at her because of the nickname when she sits down. She mouths 'I will explain later' Principal Dolls continues his speech, 'this new student is our secret weapon, so please give a warm Hamilton weapon to our White Knight, Lucy (I forgot what I said was her last name so I am gonna make a new one) Morninglight!' Everyone applauds and Principal Dolls motions for me to come up to the podium. 

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