Chapter 47

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Luie- Okay, you should be at what seems to be a solid wall with nothing past it, that isn't true there is something past it. Feel for it. Everyone's experience for finding their wolf is different so I can't help you but I am confident that you can figure it out.

POV Lexa

Jeez, this was taking so much concentration and just to face a damn wall. I sigh and after a short mental argument about how stupid this seemed, I slowed my breathing more and tried to reach out for the wolf. 

After 3 minutes of nothing I was getting frustrated again and was about to open my eyes and complain when I heard a small growl. As if cursing me for even thinking of giving up. 

I clear my mind of the many questions I have and refocus. After a minute the wall starts to change and I see a huge beast in front of me with a wolf chained up behind it. 

'Huh, this must be the challenge.' Before I realized it I had my two beautiful swords that Rex gave O and I strapped to my back in their scabbards. I quickly draw them and get ready to fight. 

Octavia's POV

Octavia- GOD NO!! I won't choose between them. 

Serafim- You have to! Someone must die!

Octavia- FINE! Then kill me! Do whatever the hell you want to me! But please God don't hurt them! I see Raven and Rex Tied up beaten and bloody on the ground. 

Serafim- Oh how bold are you really willing to give up your life for these pitiful girls?

Octavia- Yes. I say with as must conviction as I could. It was the truth so it wasn't hard. 'Life with either one of them wouldn't be a life worth living, I will make this same decision 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the rest of my life without a second thought. 

Serafim- Huh. You pass. 

Rex's POV 

It has been just over an hour and I was starting to get worried but Luie gave me a reassuring smile and was about to say something when both of the girl's eye's shot open. Octavia ran up and bear hugged me, which I found weird but Lexa just seemed out of breath. 

Luie- How did it go you guys?

Lexa- Fenrir

Max- What?

Lexa- That is my wolf's name

Rex- Good job Lex! How 'bout you O?

O- Galant. 

Luie- Those are great names. 

O- Do you mind if I ask what your wolf's name is?

Luie- I don't really have one. I can shift into a wolf but it doesn't have a name. 

Lexa- Huh we should change that. Octavia nods in agreement. 

Laura- Good job guys! Does anyone need any healing?

Lexa- Ah don't tell Clarke but I may have dislocated my shoulder. 

Laura- Let me take a look upstairs. They leave. 

Rex- Hey Carm I want to go say hi to Megan and your mom and maybe teach Quinn some new things want to come. 

Carm- Sure can we bring the other vamp and her puppy sidekick. 

Rex- Sure we can ask the others if they want to come also. I think Quinn would have a lot of fun meeting Griff. 

Laura- Why? He acts like a grumpy 80-year-old man who is frustrated and Quinn is a rebellious teen they are opposites. 

Max- Just wait. Max says with a sigh. 

T.S Tattoo shop/ Vamp H.Q 

We walk in and I am bear-hugged by a hyper Megan and Quinn. 


Rex- Speaking of that I owe an explanation to my followers. 

I pull out my phone and see a tone of comments on my photos of 'where did you go?' 'Did you disappear' and 'Come back to us!!' 

I go to my story and hold down record before saying, 'Hey guys sorry I went MIA, I had a family emergency that lead me to have to come home very fast with my friends and family. Everyone is okay now so no worries! Love you guys!' I post it quickly before turning to Quinn and saying 'When did you get turned?' 

Quinn- 10 years ago.

Rex- So you are on the very young side for a vamp. I am the second oldest being in existence. I knew Henry Ford and helped him with the first car. All the crazy people you think of as historical figures I have meet most of them. For famous people, it was mostly chance encounters were I showed them kindness and we became close, and then they introduced me to another person and another and so on. 

Megan- Cool! You have to get convince Ruby to let me do one of her tattoo's 

Rex- I will try but I can't promise anything. I say with a laugh

Quinn- What do you have in store for us today. 

Rex- I actually won't be working with you. I want you to meet my friend Griff. 

Griff- S'up kid. 

Quinn- Hey I am not a kid and you don't look much older than me! We all give him a look. 'He is a lord of hell isn't he?' 

Kara- Yep

Griff walks up and shakes his hand before pulling the kid into a brow hug shocking everyone but me. 

Kara- Is anyone else's mind blown because I have known Griff for a couple of months and I have never seen him do much more than a handshake to anyone and he seems to hate that also. 

Rex- Well he did have an ulterior motive. 

Carm- What do you mean?

Griff- Thanks for the cash and new phone kid. Griff said while holding Quinn's wallet, keys, and phone.

Everyone but me looked at the small demon in shock. 

Carm- How in the hell did none of us notice him do it. 

Rex- I may have written the book but Griff perfected it better than anyone you will ever meet. He has added and expanded it a lot. If you want to learn the art of pickpocketing and scheming he is the best teacher you will ever get.  

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