Chapter 19

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AN: I might include some characters from shows that I don't own or thought of so credit to those shows but all characters are mine so far.

I hop on my 1980 Harley Davidson and start her up and pass Zoey a helmet after putting mine on. I zip up my leather jacket and put on gloves and get ready to head out. Zoey climbs on the back. 

I nod at Artemis who just climbed into the SUV with the rest of the gang and head off to school. 

I start the bike and we are off. 

About 10 minutes later we are at school. I see people staring at us on the bike. I am not surprised not a lot of people ride motorcycles at our age. We both got off and took off our helmets I hear gasps from the people who were close enough to see my scar. Already I could hear whispers about what might have happened.

I lock our helmets to the bike. 

Z- Thanks for the ride babe

We walk into the school and I could hear more rumors and more people talking. 

P1- What happened to her neck

P2- Maybe it has something to do with why she wears a glove all the time 

P3-Maybe that is why her and all her friends were gone for so long

As we were walking the rest of the gang catches up 

Lican-You have been here for two minutes and everyone is already talking about you. 

I hear more whispers questioning who the people with us are. 

Rex- Look I am gonna head to class early to get the classwork I missed. Beth can you show the gang to the office. 

Beth-Course have a good day.

I walk down the hall to my biology class and walk in to see Mrs. Danvers sitting at her desk. She was definitely one of my favorites teachers. She was a medium height blonde with a warm motherly smile. 

She looks up at me and smiles until she sees my scar. 

Mrs. D- What the hell happened!? She stood up and walked over toward me and started inspecting my face making sure I wasn't gonna die for some reason. 

R- I am fine now Mrs. Danvers don't worry about it I just want my make up work for the time I missed. 

MrsD -Of course, she moved to her desk and grabbed the work for me I turned around moving to put my stuff down. 'By the way, we changed seats you are sitting next to my daughter Kara now she is in the back of the class right now' She said pointing at a tall blonde with glasses and a flannel sitting in the back of the class. 

I walk up put my stuff down next to her and take a seat. 

R- Hey Kara I don't think we have been properly introduced I am Rex nice to meet you

Kara- Hi nice to meet you! I am almost blinded by how bright her smile is 

K-I like your scar, by the way, it looks wicked cool!

R- Thanks it's really funny hearing all the rumors about how I got it.

K- Whats the craziest you have heard so far.

R- I think it was the one that said 'I was a crazy drug lord who got into a knife fight and got stabbed'

Kara gave me a wide-eyed look 'is that true'

R- Of course not 

K- Few I was worried I was sitting next to a criminal 

R- I never said I wasn't a criminal I just said I wasn't a drug lord. I say giving her a devilish smirk. 

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