Chapter 25

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We walk out of 'game of scones' after eating and talking with Ax. Right now it is Alex, Kara, Lena, Thea, Max, Kris, Carmilla, Laura (not to fight jus to heal hurt people and keep people company), Sara, Octavia, Lexa, Raven and Clarke, Lican was gonna come as soon as he could.

It was a big group but we were all talking and having a blast.

We walk into the dojo say hi too space dad, which is what we call John but I don't get why, and we change into work out clothes.

Rex- Hey John did you get what I asked for?

John- yep it's in the back I will go get it.

Carm- what did you ask for?

I give them a big smile and say 'weapons'

Alex- John has guns back their!!!????

Rex- No calm your tits Alex. Supernatural beings generally don't use guns just because they rarely have much of an effect and they show no real skill all you have to do is pull a trigger

Octavia- phew i was worried you were gonna shoot us for a second.

John walks out with the weapons, which are in boxes and sets them down.

I give him a nod of thanks and say ' your still gonna feel pain but not the same type' I say with a laugh 'I am gonna give you a weapon that will work best for you in my opinion you can disagree and change if you want if not I will show you how to use it properly but you should still pay attention to others weapons because it is smart to know how to use many weapons' they all nod their heads in acknowledgment.

Rex-Okay lets start with out resident vampires. I throw a knife at both of them that lena dodges and Carm catches between two fingers 'you guys are fast and strong throwing a knife with enough precision and force can do a significant amount of damage' I grab both sets of throwing knives and give them too each vamp. 'The problem is that you may run out of daggers, the solution get good enough that you don't miss. The motion is similar to that of throwing a ball. I will show you the right form, ways to practice, and how to take care of your weapons after everyone gets their weapon.' They nod examining their nice daggers while I continue 'Sara you are getting a bow staff(the weapon sara uses in legends) . It isn't as sharp but can do a lot of damage. Lican uses one and I would recommend practicing with him I am good but it is not my main weapon it is his. Thea, I am gonna go with a mace for you. It isnt the big ones you would normally see it is on the smaller side but packs one hell of a punch if used correctly. Kara you have more strength then most like Max have her help you with gauntlets they can be big and heavy or as light as a pair of gloves depending on your preference. Alex, you aren't scared of anything which is scary in and of itself but something to bring the pain/scariness is a knight style broad sword they are heavy and hard to control but you will get their. Clarke and Raven are going to be Archers/strategy you guys are calm under pressure and don't think I have noticed you guys break down everything that happens in your brain. And last but not least Lexa and Octavia the twin terrors. You guys are getting twin short swords. When used correctly wont know you were their until they are dead or unconscious especially with your concealing abilities and speed. I had passed out everyones weapons they all look like they fell in love in 5 seconds. 'sorry to make you but put your weapons away for now. Practicing with the real deal is important but you need to learn how to use them properly and not kill your self before using the real thing.' They nod and set them down. I walk up to stretch bands and pretend to throw a pitch with it. 'Lena, Carm, Lexa, and Octavia do this till your arm is dead and then switch arms. Carm and Lena your going to learn how to throw with your off hand you never know what could happen. Lexa and Octavia it should be obvious why you need both of your arms strong.' They nod and I quickly walk the others through their strength exercises when I finally get to Raven and Clarke. 'You two are gonna have it a little rough sorry in advance. Okay one of you will slap this bowl of water as hard as you can with one hand and crushing cans in the other while the other hangs on to the pull up bar for as long as you can. When the person falls off the bar you switch. Go it?' They give me a look like I am crazy but nod.  'I am gonna go finish getting my tattoo if you have questions on what you should be doing ask Max or Lican. Also you two work out with them you might be a little rusty.'

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