Chapter 50

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AN: 400 Reads!!! Love you guys!!!

Octavia's POV

Lexa and I were walking around looking at different shelves when a lady jumps out and yells ''WHO THE HELL IS TRYING TO ROB MY DAMN STORE!!!' the others yelp and we look at them only to turn back to have a broom pointed at us.

Octavia- Ahh... hello there?

Gina- Who are you and why are you in my shop?

Lexa- We are here to look for some stuff and a ring for someone.

Gina- You aren't demons though because I know everyone in this sector and the con in charge of this sector warns me when we get new people. So who. are. you.

At this point, Luie walks out and says 'Don't worry they are with us.'

Her personality went from night to day in two seconds when she saw Luie.

Gina- LUCYYYYYY!!! Gina runs up and tackles her in a hug, but get's a walk upside the head after the hug. 'You need to come visit more you idiot.'

Luie rubs the back of her head and says 'Sorry'

Gina- Now where is your mother and the others that are in my shop right now.

They slowly crawl out behind the shelf they were hiding behind. Max is the first to talk 'Heyyyyyy Gina!!! How are you????

Gina squints at Max and says 'Good. Now why in frilly hell are you dorks here, except for Rex none of you come to visit unless you need something. Except for these two dorks and the girl on Max's right who just feels off to me. 

 Artemis- The two dorks are Octavia and Lexa and the girl next to Max is Sam. 

Max- And we are here because Rex needs an engagement ring and she wanted to come here. 

Gina- Huh finally!!! Jeez, it took you long enough to find her, damn. Who is it? Do I know them

Sam- Probably...

Gina- Come on spit it out

Artemis- Arc angel of life

Gina- Huh does she know the whole truth?

Rex- Yah. They are on our side now and is trying to help us, 

Gina- Cool and that girl is their second in command I am guessing

Lexa- How did you know?

Gina- Well Rex is one of the most traditional romantics you will ever meet so knowing her she probably asked Sam for her blessing because Angels don't have mothers and Lucifer over there is here also so she probably asked her daughter if it was okay also. 

Octavia- Spot on. 

Gina- Thank you. Speaking of angels I don't believe you two are and I don't think you are human either, so what are you.

Lexa and O- Werewolves

Gina- Makes sense. I have the perfect thing for you Rex give me two minutes to find it and walk around and browse until I get back. She walks into the back room. 

Lexa- She is nice

Luie- True

I laugh slightly as I keep walking around and say 'We should invite her over for dinner tomorrow night it is the Sunday before school starts up again so we should throw a giant pot luck or something

Artemis- Sounds fun! We could invite people from school also! 

Rex's POV

The girls keep planning the pot luck and I get a text from a worried Zoey

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