Chapter 63

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Sorry i have been inactive i have been traveling. I have kinda lost were i wanted to take this story and i dont know how to finish it soooo this might be last chapter

Max- Okay anyone who wants to help me cook please do. We need to make a lot of food for this large group.

Rex- Okay I am grabbing my camera and we are going to film something.

Thea- Can we do the guess what's in the box challenge?

Lican- What is that?

Lena- You take a box and put something in it and then people have to stick their hand in there and then guess what you think is in there.

Kris- Sounds fun.

Rex- Okay why don't we do Octavia and Lexa vs Raven and Clarke and I will judge and everyone else can choose things to put in the box.

Everyone nods and I grab my camera and have Alex help me set it up. Everyone else ran off to grab things for them to guess.

I sit at a table in front of the camera with Octavia, Clarke, Raven, and Lexa.

Alex counts down from three and then points

Rex- Hello gentle viewers and welcome to our first ever video!

Lexa- We need to think of a signature intro for our channel

Clarke- What would it be?

Alex- Well what is our fandom called?

I shrug and say 'Comment below what you want our fans to be called and in the next video, we will reveal which one we liked best. Okay, now today we have a little bit of a challenge/ competition. We are going to be doing the mystery box challenge and it is Octavia and Lexa vs. Raven and Clarke. Kris, what is their punishment?

Kris- Getting pied in the face

Rex- Seems reasonable. Are you guys ready?

Lexa- Hell yah! You dorks are going down!!!

Rex- Okay you will get 30 seconds in the first round and that will be worth 1 point for each correct answer. The second round is 15 seconds and worth 5 points, the third round is 5 seconds and worth 10 points.

Clarke- Sounds good

Rex- Okay Lexa you are up first everyone else you can go on the other side of the camera. Yang can you time for us. Lexa close your eyes, Selena, please put the first object in the box. Lexa keep your eyes closed because the box isn't perfect and opens from the top.

Lexa nods.

Yang- Okay ready three two one go!! Lexa sticks her hand in and feels around for the object eventually making contact with the lego and jumps a little bit.

She keeps feeling around and eventually time is up.

Rex- You have two guesses

Lexa- ummmm is it a toy of some sort?

Octavia- Kinda, common Lexa you got this!

Lexa- Fudge, It is relatively small and soft so I am gonna say beanie baby

Rex- Nice one point for team dorks

Raven- Accurate name

Rex- You are team nerds

Lexa- Accurate.

We finish the video pretty fast and Alex edits it while we eat.

The outro was fun and Octavia and Lexa got pied in the face really hard before I say 'Thank you for watching! We will try and post every once in a while but we are all busy. Thanks to Alex for editing and filming this. Smash the like button if you want to see more competition/challenges. Comment what you want to see us do.

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