Chapter 18

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AN: This is lowkey what Zoey and Rex's bedroom look like.

They move up my neck to just under my left jawline leaving kisses in their wake. I was trying to hold back the moans that were begging to come out my mouth because I didn't want her to realize how turned on I was. They make the amazing choice to bite the spot and I can't hold back the moan that slips out. 

I get very sexually frustrated at all the teasing that is happening so I decide to get her back and flip us over so they are under me. They gasp at the sudden move and I quickly move to suck and bite on their neck before they can try and start teasing me again. 

I can tell they are trying to stop themself from moaning. They were biting their lip hard and starting to squirm as I continue kissing and leaving hickeys all over their neck. 

Z- Jesus that feels good. Don't stop. Zoey moans out. I move down to their collar bone and bight hard. 

I didn't realize how hard I bit down and was about to apologize but they moaned louder than any other time they had moaned. 

R- Didn't realize you liked it rough baby. I say looking Zoey in the eyes

They roll their eyes and grab me by the neck and pull me in for a deep and passionate kiss. Sparks were flying and it felt like fireworks were exploding. I had heard things about what kissing your true love or soul mate felt like, but I never realized it would feel this good. It was mind blowing

Soon we both needed to breathe so we pulled away and Zoey said 'Wow' 

R- Yah

I sat up and Zoey followed my lead. 

R- Look we haven't exactly talked about this and I hate talking about feelings but we need to talk eventually and no talk like the present. Look we are each others soul mates but soulmates don't always end up in a relationship relationship, and we kissed and it felt really good for me but as I said before whatever you want is whatever we will do so. What do you want from this?

Z- Well it is gonna be hard because you are a demon and I am an angel but we can get past that once we deal with your mother. I want a relationship with you and not a friendship a relationship relationship as you so elegantly put it. That is if you are sure you want me. 

R- Of course I want you I say kissing them again in a chaste kiss. 

After another small make out session, we rewind the movie to were we stopped paying attention and cuddled till we finished the movie. After the movie, we both fell asleep kinda far away.

*next morning

I woke up the next morning by Griff knocking on the door telling us 'to wake up we have school.'

I hear Zoey groan and realize we were cuddled into each other with Zoey's head resting on my chest. 

Z- Ughhhh is it already morning! I don't want to get up or move!

They bury their head further into my chest trying to get away from responsibility. A couple of seconds later it sets in what they are doing and who they were next to and quickly moved away and stood up. 

Z- Ahhh sorry about that I am gonna go shower and yah bye. Zoey stutters out with a blush and rushes into the bathroom. 

I laugh and get out of bed to change into some clothes for school. I throw on a blue flannel and ripped jeans. I decide on light makeup nothing crazy and throw my hair into a bun. I put on my fitted glove of course I didn't need people seeing my hand.  

By the time I am done getting ready Zoey walked out of the bathroom with a towel around their body. I walk up too Zoey and kiss them on the forehead. 

R- I am gonna go down and eat breakfast Hon, I will see you downstairs. Do you want me to make you coffee?

Z-Yes, please. Thanks Babe. 

The pet names we use for each other just make me happy and smile. 

R- Course I say turning my Aussie accent back on again. 

As I walk out I hear them call out "What's the deal with the accent' I just laugh and continue walking downstairs. 

I walk down to Artemis cooking eggs for everyone. With Max checking her phone and Monica reading the funnies and Kris reading the normal paper. Beth and Sam just walked down after me and grabbed a seat before starting to talk to each other and arguing. 

Lican came down when Zoey did. I could tell both of them hate mornings more then I do and were not excited to have to deal with school and people. 

I had been standing at the counter drinking tea when Zoey plopped down looking super tired. I walked up and put their coffee cup in front of them and squeezed their shoulder. Artemis gave me a knowing look over his shoulder knowing I was already whipped as hell. But could you blame me? Zoey literally and figuratively had my heart. 

Kris- Listen up crazy people. I am about to explain everyone's cover stories so pay attention. Artemis is passing out plates with eggs and bacon as Kris continues. 'Artemis and Rex decided to be Australian while here and we should continue that and say that we are all family friends from down under and decided to follow Rex and Artemis and go to the same school again. They decided on the names Lucy and Venus so in public please try and use those names. I just used all of your regular names so it doesn't get crazy. If Beth or I see any of you being more reckless then normal you are on cleaning duty for the rest of the time we are here. Got it?

We all nod knowing Kris was serious when she threatened something. 

Max-What time does school start?

A- Well Rex Zoey Beth and I already know our schedule but you guys are gonna have to go into the office and talk to administration. If Kris did her job which we all know she did you should be all set and just need to get your schedule. 

Beth- By the way what is our excuse for not being at school for 4 weeks. 

Kris- Of course, sorry I forgot to say. Also, Rex take your glamor off now so you don't forget later. I nod and Kris continues 'Artemis create a glamor of a nasty looking scar on your arm please. What the story is gonna be is that Artemis and Rex got into a nasty accident Zoey Beth and Sam being good friends stayed in the hospital with them until they got better. We are all gone spread different rumors about the real way Rex got it and if everything goes the way it should she will become the school badass and no one will mess with her. 

R-Okay gang it is getting close to time to leave so go grab your bags I am taking Zoey on the motorcycle you guys can take the SUV. Let's go people don't want to be late on our first day! I glammored my eyes back to green and released the glamor on my neck scar. Zoey probably didn't think I saw but I saw them flinch in the corner of my eye as they looked at the scar again. 

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