Chapter 44

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Octavia's POV

Lexa- Okay everyone pack up and rest up for the long day of travel tomorrow

Everyone starts to walk away.

Octavia- Hey Thea wait up!

Thea- What's up O?

Octavia- Can we go for a walk and talk a little?

Thea- Sure just not for too long because I am tired and we both have to pack.

I nod and we walk outside and go out the gate of the house and find a park about 5 minutes away.

Thea- So what did you want to talk about?

Octavia- Kris.

Thea- Oh why would you want to talk about her. Why don't we talk about Raven

Octavia-  Your dodging Speedy

Thea sighs and says 'Yah I am aware.'

Octavia- Can you hear me out on something?' She nods. 'The amount I love Raven is scary, and it terrifies me every day how much I care about her already even though we only have been dating for a couple of weeks. I am terrified of what might happen to her when we fight Rex's mom.'

Thea- Have you told her that yet?

Octavia- No and we haven't said I love you yet. Even though she is my soul mate I am scared she won't love me forever, so I treat every day with her like it could be our last together.

Thea- You should tell her that.

Octavia- I should. And you should also. 

Thea- What? What do you mean?

Octavia- I see the way you look at Kris and the way she looks at you

Thea- I don't look at her

Octavia- 'That's bull and you know it.'  Thea blushes and looks down. 'You care about her. More than you probably know or care to admit.'

Thea- Now hold on-'

I interrupt 'What just happened was a slap of reality. They could have died not the way Zoey sent Rex back to hell dead but dead dead, not coming back, six feet under, gone forever!

Thea- Stop!

Octavia- NO! You need to hear this! If Rex was with them she could have died along with the rest of them. I care about them all of them! Rex has taken such good care of me since I got kicked out. She is like a best friend, mentor, sister, and mother all rolled into one. If she died not only her but all of them and I didn't do anything to stop it from happening. It scared the shit out of me and one of them isn't my soul mate. If Raven was in that situation if something happened to her. I honest to god have no idea what I would do with myself.

Thea- It was really scary, I didn't know what to do and she seemed to be in so much pain. And I was useless, I couldn't do anything. Do you know how shitty that feels?

Octavia- No but I can imagine. Being connected to Raven I can feel her emotions and when she is scared or sad, and knowing she is feeling that isn't fun in the slightest. But what's worse is not telling someone how you feel. I liked Raven before we were mates and keeping my emotions bottled up was eating away at me. I can imagine it is worse for you being around happy couples.

Thea- It really does. And I really want to tell her I love her, but there is this thought in my brain..'

Octavia- That she won't love you back?

Thea- Yah how did you know?

Octavia- I had the same thought about Raven, and when Rex explained what a soul mate was my brain automatically went to Raven. Once it was confirmed I reacted way fast and kissed her before she consented to have a romantic relationship and when we pulled away I got scared shitless. 

Thea- Makes sense it is scary

Octavia- It is but it was the best feeling in the world when she agreed to be my girlfriend and when we kiss it feels like every stereotypical romantic emotion ever described by movies. 

Thea- Really?

Octavia- Yah, and if it makes you feel better she is definitely head over heels for you. Thea laughs at my statement. 'I am here for you Speedy if you ever want to talk or just need someone to hug and cry with no judgment.'

Thea- Thanks, you dork. She says while hugging me. 'How about this, when you tell Raven you love her we can watch tangled and eat ice cream and when I tell Kris I love her we can do the same thing again.'

Octavia- Deal! Let's head back to the house so we can pack and sleep.

Time skip to next day at the house. 

Rex's POV

Max is cooking lunch and Artemis and Griff are playing video games while others are reading or playing games on their phone's

A couple of minutes later Ruby burst through the door and tackles the first person which she sees which was Artemis unfortunately for him. 


Artemis- Nice to see you also Ruby

I laugh as the others run in Zoey bear hugs me and whispers 'That was too long apart' I just smile and kiss her on the cheek before setting her down. Kris was tackled by Thea and the others were just getting looked over to make sure they were okay.

Yang- I am glad you guys are okay when you started going all wonky you really scared us.

Clarke- True!

*Knock Knock

Rex- I will get it. I walk up as the others continue celebrating being back together. There is another impatient knock. 'Coming!' I yell. 

I open the door and there stands in all her glory...

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