Chapter 42

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AN: Enjoy! :)

After that, we end the live video after telling viewers that 'We will be creating a youtube channel tomorrow where we will do different tags and vlog our crazy adventures.' 

Everyone was going crazy with excitement over it! I smile at the comments that I was seeing. 

I hear my stomach grumble and turn to Zoey saying 'Want to go grab some food and pick up groceries after yesterday we are almost out'

Zoey nods and we walk to the garage grabbing my jeep after explaining to the others that we will be home with pizza and groceries in an hour.

After a 10 minute ride to the grocery store with the great pizza place next to it. Zoey goes into the pizza place to order while I go shop.

I grab a cart and go through the different isles. It was a relatively small local market. I was looking to my left for the specific cereal Max and Griff are obsessed with and didn't notice someone was in front of me so the cart bumps into them and they lose their balance while falling over. 

Rex- Oh my Rao!! I am so sorry mate! Are you okay? I say as I offer the girl a hand up. She grabs it not looking at my face. 

Lacey- It's alright, nothing broken so no harm no foul. I am Lacey by the way.' She says while dusting of her Nirvana t-shirt and ripped jeans. The women had long jet black hair that was in a messy bun and looked to be in her late 20s

Rex- Nice to meet you! Sorry, again I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going. I am Rex by the way. 

Her head shoots up when I say my name and she stutters out 'No way! What are the chance's I bump into the famous person I was watching on Instagram live 15 minutes ago at my local market. 

Rex- I would say pretty good since you just did. I said with a laugh. 

Lacey- The way you handled those guys were so cool! I have had to deal with a ton of them in my life! 

For some reason, I felt like I recognized this woman. 

Rex- Really? Are you apart of the LGBTQ+ community?

Lacey- No but I have two moms and growing up they dealt with a lot of shit.'

Hmmm it might be them but I can't be sure... 

My thoughts are interrupted by Zoey yelling 'Yo Rex where you at?' 

I see them and wave them over. 

Lacey- No way I get to meet Zoey also! Are any of your other friends here?

Rex- No sorry they are back at the house waiting for food.

Lacey- Makes sense. By the way, I want to say thank you! My moms avoid pop culture and the media around it because they don't think there is enough correct representation, but I played them the audio from some of your interviews and they loved what you were doing!' 

This has to be them.

Zoey comes up next to me and says 'They seem really awesome!' 

Lacey- They are! I love them with all my heart!' 

Rex- I would love to meet them, do you guys have any dinner plans?

Lacey- Wait actually? You want to have dinner with us?

Rex- Why not? You seem cool and your moms do also. I turn to Zoey. 'We don't have anything planned tonight and I think the others are seeing Mean Girls on Broadway in the city tonight.' 

Zoey nods and says 'Sounds fun! Do you think your parents would mind having us over?'

Lacey- I don't know let me call really fast. 

She walks about ten feet away and pulls out her phone probably to call her moms. 

Zoey- You know something about this family that you are not saying. 

Rex-I am not 100% sure because it has been a while but I am pretty sure that women is someone I saved as a baby from a really bad house fire that killed the rest of her family. 

Zoey- Of course you have saved babies from house fires. Zoey says while rolling her eyes. 'When you see her moms will you know?

Rex- Yah and if it is them I will be happy to see them. They were really great and kind to me.

Zoey- Makes sense. 

Lacey- Okay I didn't tell my moms who was coming over so it would be a surprise but they said it was fine as long as you weren't homophobic ass holes. They said be over at 6 sharp. 

Zoey- Got it! What's your address?

Lacey- %^& asdf dfalks lane (I was too lazy to think of a real street.) 

Rex- Cool! See you then! We have to finish shopping though we have a pack of hungry wolves waiting for their food at our house.

Lacey- Of course see you tonight!

Time skip to Dinner

I was wearing a flannel and jeans with my hair in a braid, Zoey was in a summer dress next to me with a flannel and a beanie. 

We walked up to the door and knocked lightly. 

POV Lacey

Lacey- Mama hurry up we want to be ready for our special guest!

Trish (Laceys Mom)- Calm down honey it was so last minute it couldn't have been someone that special. My mom says while rolling her eyes at my childishness. 

Lacey- Please trust me they are!!! You will be happy and surprised when you find out who they are! 

Leah (Lacey's Mama)- Sure we will. 

Right after my mom says that someone knocks on the door and I yell 'I will get it!' As my moms stay in the kitchen to finish getting everything ready. 

I open the door and see a smiling Zoey and Rex standing there. I am shocked that she actually came. I mean she is a famous celebrity. 

My mama walks in while brushing some food off of her apron with one hand and with the other holding a tray of food and says 'Excuse my flour-covered appearance, my name is Le-' She looks up and makes eye contact with Rex before dropping the plate and covering her mouth!

Lacey- Mama!! Are you alright!?

My mom runs in and looks at her wife concerned 'Are you alright?'

Rex- She is okay. I think just a little shocked. Nice to see you again Trish and Leah. Rex says with a small wave which just confuses me because I didn't tell her my parents names. 

My mom looks up REAL fast seeming to recognize the voice. 

Trish- Either you haven't aged at all for 30 years or your an imposter.

Rex- First one is correct

Leah- Prove it. 

Trish- Tell us something only the real Rex would know.

Rex- I gave Lacey to you when she was 2 months old on March 6 of 1990. 

They both run up and bear hug her leaving me only more confused. 

Lacey- WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED! How do you guys know a super famous gay icon and how does she know the day you guys adopted me. 

Rex- Let's go sit down and I will explain. 

We all walk into the kitchen after my parents give her another hug. 

Trish- Since when are you famous?

Zoey- Since she had all of her A list actor friends over for a rather large party with press involved. That's actually how your daughter recognized Rex.

Leah- Ohhhh is she the person in the video you showed us? I nod in confirmation. 'I knew she sounded familiar!' 

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