Chapter 35

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AN: Hello this story is kinda getting off track but I am enjoying writing it so who cares. It will have an ending eventually it just might take a while

The group followed Max and the other seven lords who knew their way around the house so they wouldn't get lost as I lead Octavia and Lexa into the kitchen were 4 of my best friends were standing around drinking whiskey and talking. I don't think O and Lex realized who they were and my friends didn't realize I was here. 

Rex- Damn I thought you guys would wait for me before you broke out the good stuff. That is cold. 

All- Rex!!! They all ran over and bear hugged me. 

Rex- Hey dudes! Long time no see! 

Halsey- It has been a while and yet you don't seem to have aged at all

Taylor- Seriously!

Ruby (Not ruby who was introduced earlier)- Girls leave her alone she just got here and is tired from the flight!

Selena- How was the flight? Selena asks as she pours me a glass of whiskey. 'Also who are the two girls behind you with their jaws on the ground.' 

Rex- It was good! Long but good.' I say while taking a sip of my whiskey. 'That is Octavia on the right and Lexa on the left. I think you guys forgot that you are major pop stars and they are normal people who haven't interacted with you before. O, Lex, This is Taylor (swift), Selena (Gomez), Ruby (rose, the dj and actress not the animated character to clarify), and Halsey.

Lexa- We know who they are it just shocked us that we are standing in front of them, I mean I grew up listening to Taylor and Selena. I am obsessed with Halsey right now and love Ruby is pitch perfect. So I can check meeting all my idols off my bucket list.

We laugh at the poor girl. 

Rex- You okay O? I say worried about the girl who hasn't said anything

O- Yah I am fine. I just have one thing to say. I raise an eyebrow at her 'CAN WE SING YOU BELONG WITH ME!! PLEASE!

I crack up and say 'maybe later!' 

Ruby- Hey stone heart how many people are staying here

Zoey walks in not realizing who is in the kitchen and says '25 ish. Hey, Rex, I need to move around can I take Beth and go for a flight' 

Taylor- A what now!? 

Zoey- OH FUCK YOUR TAYLOR SWIFT AND I WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT! Sorry, Rex have fun explaining that! They say while running out of the room 

Rex- Dammit Zoey!! I am gonna kill you later!

Octavia and Lexa laugh at us. 

Selena- Dude what did she mean go for a flight

Lexa- Watch your pronouns and exactly what it sounds like. Rex might as well explain she is your friend. 

Ruby- Does this have something to do with why you don't look at all older than 5 years ago. 

Rex- Yes. To put it simply I am immortal. 

Taylor- Haha very funny now what's the real reason?

Octavia- That is the reason. Rex is a demon. Zoey, back there is an angel. They are soul mates. There is another 7 or so demons and another angel. 2 vampires. A whole lot of werewolves including Lexa and I. A couple of fairies, mages, and hunters. We have just about every supernatural being you can think of. 

Lexa- And a healer.

Selena- Huh that explains a lot. Can you show us some of your powers? 

Rex- Wow you are a lot calmer then I would have expected.

Ruby- Who cares your our friend right? I nod 'That's all that matters' The others nod in agreement

Halsey- I do have some questions. 

Rex- What's up?

Halsey- What type of demon are you? What type of angel is Zoey? Can we meet the other people? Also is Luie here I miss that nugget. 

Rex- Why don't we bring everyone into the living room and explain everything a little better. 

I text in the group chat 'Everyone come to the living room! Zoey and Beth that includes you! Max can you bring a pair of shorts and a tank top for me.'

We all walk into the living room and wait for the others but tell my famous friends to 'hide so that you can surprise my friends!' They nod and find hiding spots as everyone else piles into the room and takes a seat. Zoey and Beth walk in a minute later and Max hands me the shorts and the tank top. 

Clarke- Where are your friends?

After that, all of my friends jump out and scare the shit out of everyone. 

Thea- OMG!!! Rex how the hell do you know them!!!??

Rex- They are my best human friends. 

Ruby- Awww thanks!! I think?

Rex- Okay still hate explaining this but to make it easier Beth can you put up a magical barrier. She nods. Once that I sense it is up I stop suppressing my demonic powers and see Asuna shudder. I snap my fingers changing into the tank top and short and getting ride of my glove and glamors on my scar and eyes. I hear a couple of gasps from my friends 'This is what I really look like. Yes, my arm is really metal. Yes so is my leg. Zoey caused the scar on my face but it was an accident and no one but Max knew I had it until a couple of weeks ago. I am a con demon. Luie is the devil. Max, Artemis, Kris, Monica, Griff, and Lican are the 7 lords of hell. Zoey is an arc angel, Sam is their second in command. Everyone who is a werewolf raise your hand. That is Kara, Sara, Thena, Ollie,  Clarke, Raven, and you already know about Octavia and Lexa. Lena and Carmila are vampires Laura is a healer. Other Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are fairies but can you some magic. Asuna, Kirito, and Alex are rogue hunters, which is the supernatural equivalent of a bounty hunter.' 

Taylor- Cool can one of you shift so we can see what your wolf looks like

Thea- It isn't that easy... Shifting takes a lot of concentration and practice before it is slightly possible. Sometimes you will get an accidental shift or half shift because of anger but it is rare most werewolves do a good job keeping their emotions in check. 

Beth quietly says 'ahh guys...' 

No one hears her. Selena says 'Still really cool though can we see you guys fight or show off a little.' 

Beth says a little louder 'guys' 

Halsey- Like who is the strongest physically?

Sara- That I am not sure on. It is probably a tie between Kirito, Max, and Rex if I had too bet.

Taylor- That boy is a stick how can he keep up with them?

Beth- Guys! 

Asuna- You would be surprised

Max- I was! 

Beth yells 'GUYS!!!!' 

A second later some one knocks on the door and yells 'LAPD open up!!'


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