Chapter 13

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I eat supper with everyone else but only so I can prove that I am ready to go home with Demi and Wilmer. Sure, I am scared to live in a new place, but I'm scared living here too.

After supper, I change back into my normal clothes that were washed just like Miss. Carrie had said they would be. I lay in the bed under the blanket, listening to the other kids laughing and playing downstairs.

I hear a knock on the door. I know better than to scream. Miss. Carrie steps into the room.

"Lillian," she says, "if you really want to go home with Demi and Wilmer, I think you should start school on Monday."

I shake my head. I don't want to be with other kids even if there was a chance of seeing Nevvy again.

"You would be in your sister's class and all you would have to do is color and learn your alphabet."

I still refuse.

"Fine. Then you will continue to go to appointments. I don't want to force Demi and Wilmer to pay those fees, but if they want to, then you could probably go home with them."

"Really?" I mumble.

"I would think so."

So, I turn over and lie down. I hope that I can sleep  okay tonight, but I think I will be able to because it was a good day.

Miss. Carrie sighs. "Demi and Wilmer are coming on Monday. You have tomorrow to get ready to leave with them."

Once she leaves the room, I get out of the bed and walk over to the mirror. My hair is boring, the rest of me is ugly; why would Demi and Wilmer want me? Still, I'm glad that they do.


Monday could not have come soon enough. Miss. Carrie had brought me a bag she called a backpack yesterday with some clothes in it and a card from the other kids. This is something that she does for everyone, even kids like me who never really talked to anyone.

I put the backpack on my back and follow Miss. Carrie to the front door where Demi and Wilmer are waiting. Today I am going home with them for real. I hope that they're as excited as I am.

Demi helps me strap myself in to their car. Next time, I think I can do it all by myself.

I start to feel butterflies in my stomach as we drive to their house. What if they change and don't like my anymore? Demi takes my bag when we get to their house and she shows me where the room where I will be staying is. It's up the stairs and close to the bathroom and Demi and Wilmer's room.

The walls are plain and all that's in the room is a bed and a chest of drawers, but I'm not complaining. This is more than enough for me.

Demi unpacks my clothes into the drawers, then she asks me if I'm hungry for lunch. So far, I haven't eaten today and I'm not hungry yet since it isn't supper, but then I do what the counselor told me to and I think that I actually might be hungry.

I nod.

Demi takes me downstairs to where Wilmer is in the kitchen. "What are you hungry for, Lillian?" he asks.

I shrug. I don't know if they would even have the stew in a can that I'm used to and I think we have to go somewhere to get fries. What other foods would there be that actually are good?

"Would you like macaroni?" Demi asks.

I feel the question burn in my throat and despite all of the things telling me not to, I ask them, "What is that?"

Demi shows me the picture on the box.

"Sure," I whisper.

I hope that Demi can teach me more piano today. I want to learn a lot so that I can make the music that I heard at the appointment. Maybe, they won't make me go to school. If school is for learning, then I'm learning enough here. I think that I might start to like it here.


Sorry, not the best chapter, but I hope that you like it!

Next Update: Tuesday

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