Chapter 17

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Lillian's POV

I feel like I caused a lot of trouble when I call Demi to pick me up, but I just couldn't stay at the school any longer. The kids were all much smaller and smarter than me and they laughed because I didn't want to play with them. The teacher tried to make me talk to the other kids. I didn't want to.

When Demi brings me back to her house, she asks me what happened.

"They were mean," I reply.

"How about this: I won't make you go back as long as you promise to do schoolwork at home, okay?"


"Sounds good. Now what do you want for lunch?"

I don't know what I want for lunch. Demi and Wilmer have introduced me to a lot of different foods. My stomach often hurts often I eat, but Demi tells me that it's not the food but it's because I didn't eat a lot for a long time. Apparently, I don't have allergies to anything but pollen. I don't know what that means exactly, but Demi says it means I can eat pretty much anything.

"You look exhausted. Why don't we skip lunch for now?"

I nod and follow Demi up to the room where my bed is. She tucks me under the blanket and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Do you want to tell me how they were mean?" Demi asks.

I shake my head. I don't want to worry Demi or sound like I'm weak and worthless.

"Okay. Do you want to play piano?"

I nod; I have to pretend like I'm okay. I walk behind Demi as we make our way to her music room. After she had showed me around, I decided that I want to play piano and guitar. I want to learn every instrument that Demi knows.

"Can you play me the song we were working on?" Demi asks.

After our second time playing together, Demi realized that I can do something called "playing by ear" which apparently means that I can remember songs and play them very easily. 

I sit on the bench with Demi beside me, then I put my right hand over the keys and play the short song we had worked on. It's simple and only uses one hand, but Demi says that I will get better at playing very quickly.

I hear a knock on the music room door and jump in my seat.

"Are you having fun?" Wilmer asks, stepping into the room.

I nod, smiling.

"It's suppertime, Lilly," Demi says. "Do you want to stay in here while we go make supper?"

"Yes, please," I reply.

"We'll call you out when it's time to eat."

Once Demi and Wilmer leave, I turn back to the piano keys and listen to the song in my head, trying to figure it out on piano. I want to impress Demi with how much better I am.

"That's amazing, Lilly!"

I look back and see Wilmer standing in the doorway. He still scares me a little sometimes, but he's taught me that not all men are bad, or that he isn't bad.

"Thanks," I mumble, nervously.

"It's time to eat."


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