its for that content baby

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"what the flip is up tubers", I say holding up a peace sign talking into my camera.

"today ima get me into some shit for ur entertainment", I said with a sarcastic laugh.

"ima prank billie ( the world doesn't know we are together ) by making it seem like I'm cheatin... not interested in her", I said trying to make it not obvious but you know how that goes, you've read the fanfics.

"Okay", I said turning on my sceeen recording, "ima send her a text saying 'had so much fun last night😌 can't wait to see you again'.  I giggled evilly.

I typed the message in and pressed send, looking up at the camera knowing I might've just fucked up.

I wait a couple minutes before I see the three gray dots.

" guys she's typing", I squealed.

I looked at my screen and saw, 'who where u with last night'

I giggled and replied 'you silly'

she was now answering quickly and replied in the next minute .

'I didn't see you last night'

I knew she was getting angry because she only spells out her words if she's not feeling it.

'oh shit... wrong number' I said laughing after I pressed send.

When I got her incoming call, I showed it to the cameras

"Nope bitch you getting declined", I said while chuckling.

'stop playing with me' she typed. 'answer ur phone rn'

I didn't respond for five minutes so the suspense could rise and the entire time she called me even after I declined every time.

'I'm sorry' I typed then laughing like crazy and mouthing got you into the camera lens.

Twenty minutes later she still hadn't respond.

By now I had my camera turned off and was worrying sick about what happened.

I was importing the footage into my mac so I could start editing when I heard the door slam open.

"Holy shit", I whispered.

Call me a youtuber but the first thing I did was hit record.

I pointed my camera onto the door while I hid in the closet.

The bedroom door slams open with a loud bang filling up the house.

"WHERE ARE YOU", she screams.

I relax a little because I knew it was billie now but was still scared as fuck, so I stayed in the closet.

She walked into the room, and stopped.

"Y/n I'm not playing with you right now. I know you're here", she screams.

I open the closet door and quietly walk out.

I stood right in front of her.

I couldn't even look up because I was so imitated.

I followed her shoes as they came closer and closer.

When she was right in front of me, she increased her speed and grabbed me by the neck pushing me back so I was up against the wall.

She wasn't really choking me but if I said the wrong things I knew I would be.

She makes me look straight at her.

Her eyes are so dark and her cheeks are so red. Oh, she was angry alright.

She hadn't said a word since I revealed myself but she brought her face really close to mine and tilted my head a little so my ear was in front of her mouth.

"Where. were. you. last. night." She says breaking down her words while her hands squeezed just a little tighter after every word.

I debated wether or not to stop the prank because I was getting some juicy content but I was lowkey getting scared of her.

"It's a prank", I managed to get out of my closing throat.

She releases her hand but put them beside my head and brings her leg in the middle of mine.

We make some intense eye contact before she sarcastically smiles and says "what do you mean it was a prank".

"for YouTube", I said fiddling with my fingers looking down.

She moves her self off of me and turns around with her back against me.

"So you mean to tell me I left a very important meeting because of some stupid ass prank. What the fuck is wrong with you", she screams the last part.

Damm. That kinda stinged a little.

I didn't say a word.

"you know what, I'll teach you how wrong it is to play with me", she says now in the same position from previous, choking me.

" you fucked up baby", she says before pushing me onto the bed as rough as she possibly could.


Lets just say, she punished me alright.


The next morning I woke up with the camera dawning on me.

"Damn I lost good footage but we have a sex tape now", I said to the girl who was playing with my hair.

"I'll masturbate to it when you're not here", she says with a smirk.

I was going to embarrass her but I would probably do the same.

"Let's go get breakfast", billie says getting out of bed.

I tried to follow her and get out of the comforter but the second I stood, I collapsed.

Billie quickly rushed over and helped me sit down on the bed again.

" I told you weren't gonna be able to walk for a week", she says smirking while walking away.

I sighed and laughed grabbing my phone.

I didn't wanna write smut today sorry. but if you would like me too make a punishment sex let me know. thanks for 17 k 🧚🏼‍♀️🌈💋💗

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