you now know how much I missed you

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(I was looking for photos of Billie & saw that one with boba... im a fucking genius bro)

part 2 of 'I miss u like crazy but you'll never know that'

Elijah put the car in drive and proceeded to go.

He kept looking at me and I was only able to notice because I would be playing with my rings and see a shadow move.

I guess he noticed the tension in the car because he played music on the car radio.

Elijah being Elijah put y/f/s (fav song) and waited for me to show a reaction.

But being in the same space with the person I love while not being able to love is a far more overpowering emotion than the joy I get when hearing a stupid song.

I looked outside the window, wishing I never even came in the first place.

The rest of the car ride was painfully quiet and slow, even if there was music blasting on the speakers.

I couldn't help but feel like a burden.

Elijah then pulled up into our friend groups' favorite boba spot and made his way to the drive thru.

Not going to lie, I missed coming here on Friday nights with everyone, especially billie, and just be teens for a while.

I started reminiscing about my favorite memories here when I felt a nudge come in contact with my arm.

"What do you want", Elijah asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders, not really craving anything other than her.

"Alright then", Eli replied.

It was our turn next in line and each person ordered what they wanted. I had everyone's orders memorized because we came here so often. Zoe's, Zack's, Eli's, and billie's.

We were just about to move up when billie said, "can I add a medium Oreo smoothie with boba, no whip, half sugar, and caramel drizzled on the cup".

I quietly gasped at her memorization at my extremely specific order. I thought she never payed attention to those type of things.

My heart was overflowing with sadness now.

I couldn't handle not screaming "AWWW", but somehow I did.

I turned around and saw her starring at me with her eyebrows scrunched up.

'Thank you' I mouthed.

She gave me a sad smile before I turned back around.

Eli had a grin plastered on his face, Zoe and Zack were squealing, everyone was happy except us two. And it showed.

We got our drinks and I offered to pay but billie being billie was determined to not let me pay.

I handed my card to the cashier but billie yelled no which cause the worker to jump at the sudden outburst but gave me back my card and took billie's.

She's good, I thought.

We drove off, everyone taking a sip from their drink. Except me. I just held it in my hands.

"We gotta get gas", Eli says.

Everyone groans because we are all so used to his car being empty all the time.

He pulls up to the nearest gas station, parks his car, and gets some gas.

It was extremely awkward and silent so I decided I would go to the small liquor store right next to us.

I opened the car door, drink in hand, and walked up to the door and pushed so it opened. 

I chose some takis and some peanut m&m's since they're my all time favorite. 

I was next in line at the register when I felt someone stand right by me.

I was afraid to look but slowly glanced at their shoes and saw they where some big ass turquoise nike's. 

I looked back down and brought my head slowly up and pretended like I was looking for something when I realized it was billie with that same sad smile standing next to me.

"I missed you", she says holding a takis bag and some kombucha.

I kinda gasped because I was not expecting her to say that at all.

"I know I fucked up", she whispered.

"I'm sorry", she says looking down.

All I want to do was hug and kiss her and tell her its okay, so thats exactly what I did.

I brought my fingers to her chin and brought her eyes up to mine.

"I love you", was all I managed to croak out.

She brought the tip of her lips into a U shape and smiled with shimmer glistening in her eyes.

"I love you", she said pulling me into a kiss and pulling away with a huge ass grin on her face.

We kinda just stood there because the cashier was screaming, "Excuse me! next!".

We both laughed before paying for our things and walking out, hand- in-hand.

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