•S1 E0: Darkley's Boarding School For Bad Boys•

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Exhaling hard through your nose, you rounded the corner and found the source of the noise keeping you awake. Your (F/C) hoodie's hood was up and over your head, making you feel safe. It had been a gift from Lloyd, after all.

Brad was, once again, beating down said Lloyd. He was an annoying little brat, really. A few other boys that you honestly didn't care about were supporting him from the sidelines. Lloyd's blonde hair was ruffled and his eyes sparkled with tears, yet he stood his ground. You smiled a little. That's my big brother.

"What, you're afraid we're going to find out about your 'Grammy Donna?'" Brad sneered, stepping closer. Lloyd's lip quivered just a little, but he didn't move. Your smile dropped, and your eyes narrowed at the boy. Maybe if I focus hard enough, he'll disintegrate into itty bitty dust pieces.

"Pfft! Too bad everyone already knows about your stupid letters. She doesn't even write you back, huh? Ha! Like anyone would really care about you enough to write back!"

You clenched and unclenched your fists, focusing on the moonlight streaming in through the windows. Don't punch him. Don't punch him. Don't punch him. Don't come out of this spot. Not yet. Just a little while longer.

Brad sneered and held up his fist threateningly as a kid could. "What's the fun of having a kid that won't fight back? Too bad you don't have that pathetic sibling to protect you n-"

Leaping out of the shadows, you grabbed Brad's arm with your small hands. He nearly fell over in surprise, and the cheers from the others stopped. The corridor fell into a tense silence, with you, Brad, and Lloyd in full moonlight. The bully turned to you, face heated with humiliation and anger. Yet he couldn't get out of your grip. You were surprisingly strong for an 8 year old.

You squired your small eyes at him and hissed, "Don't you dare, Brad." Fingers tightening (although it was kinda hard, since you were already grabbing him so tightly), you stared him straight in the eye.

For a split second, you thought you saw in the reflection a glint of your own (E/C) eyes, tainted slightly red.

Flip him over. No, you're too weak to do that right now. Punch him in the face. Tackle him to the ground, steal all his crayons, draw all over his homework, then blame it on-

Brad finally wrenched his arm out of your grip, 9 year old face contorted in rage. "And what are you gonna do about it, huh (Y/N)? You gonna tell me to stop? Ooh, I'm so scared!" He backed away in mock fear, holding his hands out as if to stop you. "Someone save me from the wrath of the tiny-"

You couldn't help yourself. You tackled him to the floor, red lining your vision. You could fairly hear Lloyd running away to your shared room, clomp clomp clomp. The others that were speculating tried to pry you away from Brad, but you were too far gone. You didn't punch that hard, but you still made his nose drop a little. Your mini fists managed to make Brad spill a few tears, and give you a few hits that would leave tiny bruises. At least he didn't hit very hard. Even he wasn't that cold-blooded.

But were you?

At this point, you weren't even sure.

A teacher came out eventually, and pulled you off of him. The teacher dragged the two of you to the office, scolding you two all the way. You were given a stern 'talking to' and sent to bed. Brad came out of the office with an ice pack and a hateful look in his eyes. If he gets his hands on me, he's going to punch me to oblivion.

Running as fast as your short legs could take you, you burst into your shared room at top speed. Lloyd was where you thought he would be-right by the windowsill.

Sitting down beside him, you yawned and asked, "Are you OK?" Lloyd nodded, folding his arms over his black hoodie. "Are you sure?" You pursed your little lips and stared at him, waiting for a real answer.

Your brother looked over at you and smiled weakly. "Well, it wasn't as bad as fire ants."

With a giggle, you snuggled up closer to him. He was warm and snuggly, perfect for sleeping on. Lloyd pulled you closer, eyelids drooping.

"We'll get outta here soon," you murmured drowsily. "Then we'll find mom and dad and we'll rule the world."

"Yeah," Lloyd smiled, "Yeah, that sounds nice. Hey, maybe we'll get some candy along the way! What do you think, (Y/N)? (Y/N)?"

He turned to see your eyes closed, mouth slightly open. Smirking, Lloyd breathed out a relived sigh and whispered, "We'll rule the world someday."

And the two twins fell asleep in the window.


1/29/20: Hey there, doodles! Just a quick reminder that this will probably be like no other fanfic you've read before, as this particular book will be focused more on Reader-Inserting than shipping. As you can see, this is kinda a new type of writing for me. If I get any details wrong, please please please let me know so I can fix it ASAP. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy!

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