•S1 E11: All of Nothing (2)•

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Up in the Bounty, Lloyd kept trying different buttons. You skated away, trying to keep your mind off of the venom, and had an idea. "Here," you said, handing him the Green Ninja gi. "Maybe this'll help."

He grinned at you, putting it on immediately. "The Green Ninja is here to save the day," he cheered. Then he looked at you curiously and asked, "What about you? Don't you wanna wear the Grey Ninja suit?"

You looked at the grey gi in your hands, suddenly feeling very small and uncomfortable. "N-No, I'm not sure how... comfortable I am wearing it now." How am I supposed to be the destined Grey Ninja if I'm destined for evil? Lloyd understood instantly and nodded, pulling on his hood. It was adorable.

"Lloyd? (Y/N)?" Nya called through the radio again, "Lord Garmadon? Is anyone there?"

You tapped again on the radio. "We're both here, Nya, but da—Garmadon left," you corrected coldly.

Your twin gave you a sad look before following, "How are you guys holding up? Nya? Hello?"

Meanwhile, in the cave, the suit buzzed and sparked with static. Nya expertly threw another rock at the receiver, turning it to her side. "We're fine, but we're a little... held up at the moment. Our weapons have been taken, and we're locked in cages."

"And Pythor's returned with the fourth Fangblade," Cole added miserably.

    "(Y/N)," Zane wondered, "where did you father go?"

    "Back to whatever evil place he came from," you growled darkly, rubbing your arms as your eyes prickled. Tears or just an illusion? "We told him to leave."

    "Yeah. He was trying to steal secrets," Lloyd backed you up.

    "Ha," Kai laughed sarcastically, "Big surprise there. I told you about that guy, but you guys wouldn't listen."

    "Yeah, yeah," you scowled, "We should have listened to you. Do you want a gold star?"

    Kai chuckled under his breath, "Classic (Y/N)."

    "Don't worry," Lloyd called through the radio, "We'll save you!"

    Wu walked over to the side of the cage, putting his hands on the bars. "Neither of you are ready! Your destinies are too great to risk."

    "I hate to break it to you, Sensei," Cole sighed, "but if we don't get out of here before Pythor unleashes the Great Devourer, I think this will be the end of all our destinies."

    You turned to your twin and nodded, pulling your (F/C) hood over your head. "We'll get you out of there in a jiff," Lloyd promised, throwing open a side cabinet full of weapons. Taking off your skates, you heard a loud thud as the weapons all fell on your twin.

    With a giggle, you asked, "You need help with that, idiot?"

    He glared at you.


    The Serpentine cheered and shouted and jeered up at the captured ninja as Pythor held up the luminous green Fangblade. "Together, we have taken back the four Fangblades," the Anacondrai cheered, putting it into a slot with the other four on a stick. "When we return them to the city of Ouroboros, together we will unleash the Great Devourer!" Hundreds of thousands of Serpentine rattled the bunker with their cheers. Pythor thrust the four Fangblades up into the air with his staff, shouting, "To the city of Ouroboros!"

    The Serpentine cheered ever louder, starting to follow Pythor—but a Constrictai stepped forward. "We ssspent sssso much time digging thisss underground fortresssss, it'd be a ssshame not to usse it a little bit more."

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