•S1 E2: Home (2)•

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Seeing that their work was done, the ninja of lightning and ice leapt down and onto the teetering building.

"Where's Cole?" Jay asked, jumping down beside Kai. The treehouse rumbled violently beneath their feet, tossing them almost off balance.

"This whole place is coming down," Kai shouted across the sound of debris falling.

Suddenly, Cole jumped from the tree to the roof, wielding his Scythe. His eyes were dazed and distracted as he said, "No one goes anywhere until you deal with me!"

The ninja backed away slowly as Kai frowned, "What's gotten into him?"

Zane only needed a moment to understand. "He's under their control."

"Yeah, well he better snap out of it quick," Jay shouted, feeling the treehouse rumble once again under their feet. "Because this whole place looks like it's about to go down!"


"Don't go," Lloyd ordered a fleeing Skales. You trailed behind him, keeping a close eye out for anything falling down. "We have to protect our treehouse fortress!"

Skales suddenly grabbed you and shoved you aside. "(Y/N)!" Lloyd tried to push past the snake, only to be knocked back by a powerful arm.

"Your treehoussse?" The Hypnobrai hissed, walking backwards. A few other snakes had gathered around to watch the fun. "It'ss about time we did thissss!" He moved backwards, hand on a lever.

Don't move.

Suddenly, you felt your limbs relax. Although a faint part of you wanted to tell Skales to stop, you didn't. A sort of gentle, cold feeling swept over you. You didn't move.

"W-what?" Lloyd stuttered as Skales pulled on a booby trap lever. You only watched as he fell down, down, into a cage with a thump. The snakes laughed at their 'master,' retreating as the house shook once more.

"Come now, (Y/N)," Skales hissed, although you heard the tiniest tinge of fear. "We musst-"

"Why did you pull me aside?" you asked, walking alongside him. The cold still lingered in your limbs, making your movements a little stiff. "Where are we going?"

"Like I sssaid," he smirked, turning back to the exit. "You have sssome ssssenssse in you. Now, to get the staff!"

You looked back one last time at Lloyd, mouthing 'sorry' before running out of the treehouse.


Cole continued his advance, pushing the other ninja to the corner of the roof. A long fall awaited them, one that even they couldn't dream of surviving.

"OK, now come on," Jay blurted, tearing his eyes off of the height. "Friends don't hit friends." He was gifted with a sharp and swift kick to the jaw. Jay rubbed it, wincing, "Ow, okay. I-I-I-I'm gonna ignore that."

The ninja of earth swung his Scythe like a madman, breathing heavily. The ninja were forced to move further towards the drop, watching their friend as he drove his Scythe down-right beside Kai, sending a plank plummeting to the forest floor. Cole continued to swing, throwing punches into the mix.

"What're we-" Kai stepped backwards, avoiding a punch-"Supposed to do? If I use my Sword, this place-" he ducked-"Will turn up into flames faster than a tinder box."

Zane leaned back, keeping his feet planted on the wood as Cole took a gash with his golden weapon. "Isn't the anti venom in the staff?"

"Yeah, but the staff is back at the monastery," Jay sighed, barely dodging yet another attack.

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