•S1 E6: The Snake King (2)•

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"Trying to find out the Samurai's identity is more of a nuisance than the snakes," Cole grumbled. The Destiny's Bounty glided peacefully on the wind, contrasting the tense energy within. The ninja sat around the table, all equally angry at no progress made. Nya only watched. "Any luck with you?"

Jay frowned, "The guy's elusive. He's like a ghost. One moment he's there, the next he's gone."

"I am starting to believe we might never catch him," Zane admitted.

"I think it's safe to say," Kai said, shifting the cup in his hands. "None of us are closer to proving we're the Green Ninja."

"Or Grey," Cole pointed out. "But I'm starting to feel a little iffy on those eyes..."

"Looks like iron is sharpening iron," Sensei Wu piped up from where he silently entered the room. "I feel you getting closer to your true potential." He 'patted' Cole's arm, making him flinch back a little at the strength. Wu turned his attention to Kai. "Where is my nephew and nibling? I thought you were looking after them."

The fire ninja bit his lip a little. Whoops. "I thought Cole was gonna pick them up."

"I went to the arcade," Cole said, "But they weren't there. Jay was—"

"Don't bring me into this," the blue ninja snapped. "I babysat yesterday."

Zane sighed, "Sensei, we have not seen them."

The old man's eyebrows creased. "We must find the children."


Kai zoomed down the same street he just had earlier on his bike as the other ninja also searched the city. He approached the arcade calling, "Lloyd? (Y/N)?" A simple peek inside showed that there was no one. "They were right here," Kai told the others. "Someone must have seen them."

Cole's eyes caught sight of a security camera. "Hey, guys. Check this out."

Taking the security feed to one of their computers, the ninja carefully watched until Jay shouted, "Wait, wait, there's the pipsqueaks. Play that back." And surely enough, there the two of you were. Peaking around the corner in your black and (F/C) hoodies, then walking into the shop and coming out in cheap disguises, then disappearing back into the alley. "What are they up to?"

They followed the alleyway carefully. "I sense these are their footprints," Zane said, "But they come to an end here. Why?"

"Something tells me we're going for a ride," Kai piped up. "Come on, boys." Shifting into their vehicles, they followed the tracks of the bus all the way out into the wide desert. Soon, a city came in sight.

"What is that place?" Cole asked over the comm.

"Looks like snake city," Jay responded, squinting.

"Let's get a closer look." Kai lead the ninja up and onto the walls, hiding from the snakes guarding the entrance. The cheers of the crowd were deafening as they jumped behind the sandy stands.

Zane scanned the arena. "It appears Pythor has successfully united all of the tribes," he said.

"I know we ruined their last get-together," Cole scoffed, "but that's no reason not to get an invitation. My feelings are hurt."

"There's Lloyd," Kai pointed, "and (Y/N) too. Should've known the two of them were going to be stuck together." As a matter of fact, the two of you were stuck together in a metal cage. Lloyd looked very despondent, but you were just sitting on the floor of the cage with your head in your hands wondering where it all went wrong.

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