•S1 E4: Never Trust a Snake (2)•

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The ninja had made close to no progress on figuring out the riddle. They had made a teeny tiny little bit, but not a lot. They all practiced different things around the Destiny's Bounty, all of them trying to think of an answer to the riddle. Zane meditated, Jay practiced flipping, Cole tried out a bo staff, and Kai punched a punching bag with all his might.

"Anyone got a solution to Sensei's riddle?" Cole asked, twirling the stick in many ways between his two hands.

Jay, slightly breathless, said, "It can't be that hard. What's the best way to defeat an enemy?"

"Zane, you're smart," Kai fumed, trying his best to channel his anger into the sandbag. "What is it?"

"I do not know," the white ninja responded automatically, "But I sense that Sensei is going to keep us here if we don't work together and find an answer."

Cole switched the stick to behind him and back to the front, over and over again. "That bothers me, because while we're here working, that means the enemy is playing. Or should I say, enemies."

He slammed the stick down on the floor, frustrated and tired. There had to be some way to solve the riddle.


It had been only an hour or two since you had met Pythor that you decided that you could confide in him. He was a great henchman! He took you and Lloyd to do all sorts of trivial little evils to prepare for the final act of revenge on both the other Hypnobrai and Fangpyres and the pajama men. While you relished in the fact that you did tiny evils, you couldn't stop the massive headache that came on when there was an opportunity to do something bigger.

Just spread the trash everywhere and see how they'll react.

Why don't we just set this grass on fire while we're at it?

Stealing candy from a baby, huh? Why don't we give those pushcarts a little shove down the hill? That'll be a laugh.

You only did some of these things, like the trash spreading one. But the setting the grass on fire and pushing the pushcarts down a cliff? You felt like you should save that until the great finale. It seemed like Lloyd and Pythor were having the times of their lives, though, despite the fact that whenever you started to get a headache Pythor would give you a strange look. When the three of you finally went back to the tomb, your headaches were mostly gone, leaving you with a slight ache in your chest. Oh well. You had your candy.

"Wow," your older twin laughed, sprawled out on the floor beside you. "You're the best henchman a couple of masterminds could ever have."

"Ah, (Y/N), Lloyd," The Anacondrai laughed back, "You're the best masterminds a henchman could ever have."

You giggled childishly, the swell of pride making the pounding pain in your chest slowly subside. Then Pythor rolled over, looking you in the eye. "Hm, why is it that you have no friends?"

"Hmm," You thought, closing your eyes for a moment. "We could have made friends back at Darkley's, but we decided that the school didn't deserve us. So we just... ran away. They'll never see us again."

Lloyd nodded. "Yeah! We're not going back there anytime soon."

"Really?" Pythor pressed, curious. "Uh, why would you run away from making friends? Everybody needs friends, even tyrants."

You could see the truth coming out of your big brother before he even started. "Well, uh, maybe we didn't run away. Maybe we, uh—I got kicked out."

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