forty one

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"And find a place where every single thing you see tells you to stay."
January 20th
4:00 AM
New York
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A week passed and Audrey could feel her connection to Gunner slowly weaken. They went to lengths to avoid each other during the day. But during the night, they wound up tangled with each other, most times not exchanging a word, then continuing their cold routine. Sex only complicated the situation and it felt like they were nothing but ordinary hookups to each other.

Unfortunately, it was the only thing keeping their withered relationship from completely dying despite how mechanical and passionless it was.

She couldn't bear it anymore.

They had gone from lovers to strangers so quickly that the change was still hard to process. Never once in these six years spent at his side did Audrey Rahal believe she would live to see the day she left Gunner Shaw.

While she was sure he was fast asleep on the couch, Audrey slung the strap of her duffel bag over her right shoulder and stealthily slipped out of the bedroom. Keeping the noise her footsteps made to a minimum, she meandered towards Leah's room and gently twisted the knob. As she entered the dark space, eyes adjusting instantly to the dark, she located the outline of her daughter's body under her thick blanket.

Audrey's heart pounded in her chest, so exceptionally loud that she feared its echo might have roused Gunner from his slumber. From the way her guilt grew, it was only a matter of time before something would cajole her into staying. This was her chance to set herself free, yet she was doubting her reasoning. Should she stay and endure or should she seek out a better life for her daughter? Do what's best for Leah, Audrey. Think about Leah.

Second thoughts had to wait, she needed to take her daughter and go.

She drew closer to Leah and loomed over her, steadying her shaking hands as she carefully peeled back the blanket. She lowered her head and whispered softly in her ear, "Leah, wake up."

Leah's eyelids twitched, showing signs of waking.

"Princess, it's mommy. Can you hear me? I need you to wake up now." Audrey's hand stroked her daughter's cheek, her thumb whisking aside the black hair draped over her face. "Leah, baby."

The dim lighting in the room poured into her slow-blinking gaze, hazels tinted a rich brown as her hands reached up to rub the sleep out of her eyes. "Mommy?" she yawned and burrowed her body into the comfortable sheets.

"It's me, Leah," Audrey's fingertips glided through her tousled locks. "Don't go back to sleep, you need to wake up. We're going somewhere."

Curiosity brought vitality to Leah, and she sat up, where the pale moonlight veiled and whitened her skin. "Where are we going?"

"I'll tell you on the way. But right now you have to get dressed. Come on," Audrey walked to her closet and pushed it open. "I'll help you get ready."

Leah rolled out of bed, sluggishly nodding as she fought to remain alert. She swayed on her tiny legs, slanting into her mother to stay standing while Audrey rummaged through the closet for some warm clothes. Where they were headed was far; her goal was to put as much distance between themselves and Gunner, where she would be in the proper headspace to forget him, to start healing, to detox the reminders and memories.

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