Chapter 1

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"No I don't!" Taehyung yelled, blushing. "You totally have a crush on Jungkook!" Jimin teased dreamily, nudging Taehyung. Taehyung rolled his eyes, his cheeks still a light shade of crimson. "Whatever. It's not like he'll ever like me back anyway..." Jimin's smile turned into a slight frown. "What makes you say that, Tae?" Taehyung lays back on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. "Didn't you see him with Lisa in the halls? He's obviously straight.." Taehyung sighed heavily before shutting his eyes. Jimin tapped Taehyung's chest with the back of his hand. "Hey, you gotta have some hope, man," Jimin replied, sighing as well.

Taehyung didn't answer and just continued to play the scene with Lisa and Jungkook inside his head.

*flash back*

Taehyung had excused himself out of his last class to use the bathroom. The hallway was empty and silent. Taehyung took a left turn down the hallway towards the bathroom when he heard a low whisper. He couldn't make out what was being said until he made it to the end of the hall. There, he saw a raven haired boy pinning a blonde haired girl against the lockers as they kissed. When Taehyung recognized the boy, his heart dropped. He hadn't expected anything else from Jungkook. Of course, he knew he was straight but it still hurt him. He bit down on his lip, hard enough to leave a mark as he ran to the bathroom, holding back tears. He slammed his hands down on the sink, looking at himself in the mirror. His eyes were starting to water. "Why the hell are you crying?" He asked himself, wiping his eyes. "You knew he'd never like you back anyway.."

*end of flash back*

Taehyung opened his eyes to Jimin shaking him and yelling his name. "Taehyung! Wake up! What's wrong?" Taehyung sat up slowly and looked at Jimin, confused. "Dude, are you okay? You were crying." Jimin looked at him, concerned. Taehyung brought his hand to his face feeling his slightly wet cheeks. He used the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe them away and looked back at Jimin, who still looked very concerned. "Bad dream, i guess.." Taehyung said.

Taehyung grabbed his book bag off the floor and pulled out his notebook. "Should we study?" He asked, flipping through his notes. Jimin was still concerned about why Taehyung was crying but he grabbed his bag anyway and pulled out his notes as well.

The boys continued to study for about an hour until Jimin got a call from his mom saying he had to head back home for dinner. Taehyung and Jimin said their goodbyes as Taehyung led Jimin to the door. "Ill see you tomorrow, Jiminie," Taehyung said. Jimin smiled and nodded. "See you tomorrow, Tae." Taehyung closed the door after waving to Jimin one last time. He walked back up to his room, flopping down on his bed, face first. "Why am i so obsessed with him?" Tae asked himself, thinking about Jungkook.

Everything about Jungkook made Taehyung like him even more. He hadn't understood why a guy he couldn't have had to be so perfect. Taehyung sighed deeply and flipped himself over, staring up at the ceiling. He placed his hand on his chest, feeling it rise and fall with every breath he took. "Honey!" Taehyung's omma, Jin, called up to him. "Yeah, Eomma?" Taehyung called back down, sitting up. "It's dinner time." Taehyung got up and groaned. "Coming Eomma!" He yelled down the stairs as he made his way down. Jin was putting the last touches on the food while Taehyung's Appa, Namjoon, was setting the table.

Taehyung sat down and picked at the fuzz on his hoodie. Namjoon placed a bowl of soup in front Taehyung and Taehyung looked up, smiling slightly. He went to drink a spoonful of the broth when Jin said, "Your Appa made the soup." Namjoon looked over at him, confused and Jin gave him a slight wink. Taehyung put the spoon down and cleared his throat. "You know, I'm not really hungry.." Taehyung said. Jin laughed and shook his head. Namjoon snickered and put his arm around Jin's waist. "I'm just kidding, honey. You really think i would let your Appa cook after what he did last time?" Jin laughed and laid his head on Namjoon's shoulder before heading over to sit at the table.

Namjoon was a very bad cook. Like, a terrible cook. He doesn't even know how to cut an onion. The last time he tried to surprise Jin on his birthday by cooking him breakfast he had almost burnt the whole house down. It's safe to say that they will never let Namjoon cook again.

Taehyung picked up his spoon again, chuckling softly and drank a spoon full of the soup. They ate dinner as they normally do and Taehyung's parents asked all the questions they usually do. "How was school?" They would ask. "Good." Taehyung would respond. No matter how his day went he never replied with anything but "good". Taehyung didn't like talking about his feelings unless it was with Jimin. Jimin was the only one he trusted with all of his issues and secrets. Jimin had been by Taehyung's side since they were small kids.

This time, Jin could see something was up with Taehyung. This time, when he answered "good" it didn't sound sincere. Jin placed his hand on Taehyung's, making him look up from his soup. "What's wrong, honey?" Jin asked. Taehyung looked confused. "What do you mean, Eomma? I'm perfectly fine." Jin looked at him sadly with those concerned motherly eyes that Taehyung couldn't resist. He looked down at his lap and sighed before telling Jin and Namjoon about what happened in school today.

Jin squeezed Taehyung's hand and bit his lip. "You know, honey, I thought your Appa was straight for the longest time," Jin said. Namjoon nodded. "And might i say, i was quite the ladies man." He nudged Jin's shoulder, earning an eye roll and giggle from the older. Taehyung looked at the two and smiled. "Really?" He asked. They both nodded.

Taehyung smiled then thought back to Jungkook kissing Lisa again. He removed his hand from Jin's grip and placed it in his lap. Jin frowned. "Listen, honey, you just gotta have some hope. Some things might not be what they seem." Jin sighed and looked at Namjoon.

Taehyung stirred his spoon around in his bowl. "Can i be excused please?" He asked. Jin frowned and nodded. "Sure, honey.." Jin sighed and Namjoon held his hand. Taehyung got up and placed his bowl in the sink, going up to his room. He put his earbuds in and started blasting music.


First chapter! What are your thoughts? Should i continue the story?
I purple you 💜

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