Chapter 11

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Taehyung was laying on his bed, legs dangling off the side. Jimin was next to him, reading a book. "Jimin.. do you think it was a good idea to not forgive Jungkook?" Taehyung asked. Jimin put his book down and looked at him. "Why wouldn't it be? How can you trust him if he did that to you?" Taehyung shrugged. "I heard him talking with Tzuyu outside of school. He completely rejected her," Taehyung said. "Maybe.. but whats stopping him from doing it again?" Jimin bit his lip. He hated seeing Taehyung upset but he didn't want Jungkook to break his heart again.

Taehyung sighed. Maybe Jimin was right.. he just really wished he wasn't. Taehyung grabbed his phone. He saw there were 20 missed calls and over 30 texts from Jungkook. He bit his lip and fought the urge to call him back. Instead, he turned his phone completely off and set it on his nightstand. He moved closer to Jimin and put his head on his lap. Jimin moved his book to smile at him before running his hand through Taehyung's hair. Taehyung smiled and closed his eyes.

Jin came upstairs to check on them and found them both sleeping. Jimin was sitting up with his back against the headboard an Taehyung was still laying on his lap. Jin smiled at them and made his way back downstairs.

Namjoon had just gotten back from work to find Jin sitting on the couch with his glasses on, reading a book. Namjoon smiled at Jin and put his keys on the counter, making his way over to Jin. Namjoon sat on the couch, next to Jin. Jin looked up and put his book down, cuddling into his husband. Namjoon chuckled and held Jin. "Where's Tae?" Namjoon asked. "He's upstairs, sleeping with Jimin." Namjoon nodded. "Surprised he's not with that Jungkook kid. They seemed to have been hitting it off." Namjoon laughed. Jin laughed as well and nodded his head. "I hope they're okay.." Jin mumbled.

Jimin was the first to wake up. He looked over at the time and realized it was way later then he thought. The clock read 3:22am. Jimin looked down at Taehyung, who was still sound asleep in his lap. He smiled and stroked his cheek before moving him slightly so he could get in a better position. He laid him back on his lap and closed his eyes again with his hand on Taehyung's chest.

In the morning, both the boys woke up at around the same time. Taehyung looked up at Jimin and smiled. "Wasn't expecting you to still be here." He chuckled. "Well, i woke up late and you were holding me down." Jimin chuckles softly. Taehyung sits up and stretches, grabbing his phone off is nightstand. He turns his phone back on and see's more missed calls and messages from Jungkook. He sighs and frowns, putting his phone back down. Jimin see's Taehyung's sad expression and he moves over to him. He hugs him from behind, placing his chin on his shoulder. "It's okay, Taetae. It'll all work out in the long run." Taehyung sighed. "I really hope so, Chim.."

The boys got ready for school. Jimin borrowed some of Taehyung's clothes. They were pretty big on him, considering his small height, but they worked. Taehyung put on tight ripped jeans that defined his legs with a belt and a tucked in black shirt. "Damn, Tae. You're really trying to make Jungkook regret kissing Tzuyu." Jimin chuckled, looking Taehyung up and down. Taehyung blushed and punched Jimin's shoulder lightly. "Shut up." Jimin chuckled and held his hands up in defense. "Just the truth."

"Bye, Eomma! Bye, Appa!" Taehyung shouted as him and Jimin made their way out the door. "Bye, honey! Bye Jimin!" Jin shouted back. Jimin waved to both of them and closed the door behind them. Jimin put his arm around Taehyung's shoulders as the two walked to school.

When they got to school, Taehyung's expected to see Jungkook already there, so when he wasn't, Taehyung's was quite surprised. He hoped Jungkook would come to school today so he wouldn't have to worry about the many reasons Jungkook might not have been able to make it to school for. Jimin and Taehyung stood in front of the stairs to the front doors and talked about random things. "What am i gonna do about the science project?" Taehyung asked Jimin. "I have to do it still, gut he's my partner." Jimin nodded and looked down. "I don't know, Tae. You can always ask him if you could do it alone," Jimin suggested. Taehyung shook his head and frowned. "That's the thing, I don't wanna do it alone.. i wanna do it with him." Taehyung sighed. Jimin put his hand on his shoulder. "Listen, I'm not stopping you from seeing him, Taehyung. It's your life. If you feel like getting back with him is a good idea, you go ahead." Jimin bit his lip, looking down at his feet. "Really?" Taehyung smiled. Jimin nodded. "Whatever makes you happy, Tae." Taehyung pulled him into a big hug. Jimin hugged back and smiled.

After Taehyung pulled away from the hug, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and called Jungkook. Jungkook picked up after 4 rings. "Hello?" He said. Taehyung smiled from hearing his voice. "Hey, Kookie."

"Ah.. so now you decide to respond to me.."

"Jungkook.. I'm really sorry. I just didn't know how to feel yesterday.."

"It's fine, Tae.. I'm really sorry.. i promise that i will never talk to Tzuyu again if you just agree to be my boyfriend."

Taehyung's eyes widened after hearing what Jungkook said. He looked over to Jimin and did a little dance. "Really? You want me to be your boyfriend?" Jimin watched Taehyung as he had his conversation with Jungkook. He couldn't help but smile slightly at his friends happiness. As long as Taehyung was happy so was he.

"Yes, Taehyung," Jungkook reassured.

Taehyung nodded furiously even though Jungkook couldn't see him. "I'd love be your boyfriend!" Taehyung smiled his wide boxy smile. "Where are you by the way?" Taehyung asked. Then, Taehyung heard his phon beep, indicating that Jungkook had hung up. He frowned and took his phone away from his ear. Suddenly, he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around to see Jungkook. "Hey, boyfriend~" Jungkook smiled.

Aye, I'm back with another crappy chapter- heh hope you guys are having a good day/night. I actually got to see some of my friends today for the first time in a while. Stupid covid needs to stop. Anyway, i purple you all 💜 see you soon :333333

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