Chapter 2

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Taehyung woke up the next day after falling asleep right after dinner. His earbuds had fallen out of his ears but the loud music could still be heard from the knotted speakers on the edge of his bed. Taehyung sat up groggily and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the clock on his bed stand that read: 6:30am Taehyung stretched his arms up over his head and yawned. He grabbed his phone, turning of the music and putting the headphones in his bag. He got out of bed and took a quick shower, getting dressed and ready for school afterwards.

He mad his way downstairs. He could smell the eggs and sausage his Eomma was making. When he made it to the bottom of the stairs he sniffed the air. "Mmm.." He breathed. Jin looked over to him and smiled. "Good morning, honey," Jin said, putting the eggs and sausage on plate.

Namjooon was leaning against the counter with his glasses on, newspaper in hand. He looked up to see Taehyung and smiled, moving his glasses up on his nose. Namjoon looked over at Jin and kissed his cheek before folding up the newspaper and grabbing a sausage. Jin snickered and plated some food for Taehyung as he sat at the table.

Taehyung immediately dug in. It looked as though he hadn't eaten in ages. He finished up quickly and was about to head to school so he could get there early and study but then he remembered the memories of the previous day. They flooded his mind like a monsoon. His mood changed and he slumped down, letting his book bag fall to his elbows. He turned back to his parents slowly and saw Namjoon continuously kissing the younger's cheek while jin giggled. Taehyung remembered what his Eomma had said about how him and Namjoon had met.

Taehyung smiled slightly and turned back towards the door. "Goodbye, Eomma and Appa!" Taehyung called to his parents before walking towards the door. Jin smiled brightly and said, "Goodbye, honey! Stay safe!" Taehyung smiled brighter and closed the door behind him. He wasn't going to let the school playboy get to him today.

"Hey, Taetae!" Jimin's voice could be heard, calling Taehyung from the other side of the hallway. Taehyung looked over the people crowding the hall until he saw a short blonde haired boy running towards him. Taehyung smiled at him and put his arm around his shoulders. "How's it going jiminnie?" Taehyung asked. "It's good. You seem like you're in a good mood." Jimin nudged Taehyung slightly. Taehyung snickered and said, "I've decided that if its really meant to be, he'll come to me. Until then, I'm not going to let that player get to me." He lifted his head and puffed out his chest confidently. Jimin snickered and pat his back. "Good for you, man."

Taehyung and jimin walked side by side to their science class that they all shared with jungkook. Taehyung made his way to his seat in the back corner of the class. Jimin sat on the opposite side in the front of the room. Jungkook was the last student to walk in, as usual. Taehyung looked up at him and blushed softly. Jungkook took his seat in front of Taehyung and laid his head back, running his fingers through his hair.

Taehyung felt his cheeks burning brighter and he looked away from him, covering his face. Jimin looked back at Taehyung and snickered, shaking his head.

"Listen up," The teacher said firmly. Everyone's head turned to the teacher. "We're going to be doing a partner project." Everyone's head turned to their best friends until the teacher said, "The partners were already chosen." Everyone groaned and looked back at the teacher. The teacher picked up a clipboard off her desk and started reading names off. "Jennie and Sehun." She continued to call names. "Yoongi and Jimin." Jimin turned to the mint haired boy siting two rows behind him. He smiled and turned back around. "Taehyung and Jungkook." Taehyung's eyes widened and he blushed deeply. Jungkook urned around in his chair slowly and smirked at Taehyung making him blush more.

Jimin rolled his eyes and mumbled, "So much for not letting him get to you."

After class Jimin walked over to Taehyung's desk as he was packing up his stuff. Taehyung looked up at him and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. Jimin smirked at Taehyung and nudged him. "What?" Taehyung asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "You and jungkook~" Jimin teases. Taehyung punches Jimin's shoulder lightly. "Shut up." Jimin laughed and grabbed Taehyung's arm. "You ready for lunch?" Taehyung nods and starts walking to the lunch room.

Jimin and Taehyung grab their food and go to sit down with their friend Hoseok. "Hey, hows it going Hoseok?" Jimin asks, putting his arm around him. Hoseok nods and smiles. "I'm good. How are you?" Hoseok takes a bite of his food, looking at Jimin. "I'm pretty good." Hoseok nods and turns to Taehyung who is looking across the lunch room at someone.

Hoseok nudges him, trying to get his attention. When it doesn't work, he follows Taehyung's gaze to see Jungkook with Lisa. Hoseok looks back over to Jimin, confused. Jimin leans closer to Hoseok and whispers, "He's kinda in love with Jungkook." Hoseok's eyes widen and he looks back over to Taehyung. "He's in love with Jungkook?" Hoseok asked, surprised. Jimin sighed and nodded. Hoseok frowns. "Poor kid.." He sighs.

Taehyung snaps out of his gaze and looks back over to the other two. "You okay, Taetae?" Jimin asks, looking over at Jungkook and Lisa. Taehyung looked down at his food and messed with his spoon. "Yeah, I'm okay," He answered, sighing. Hoseok rubbed his back. "His relationship with Lisa wont last long.." Hoseok said. None of Jungkook's relationships ever lasted very long. Soon enough he would get bored and break up with whoever it was he was with. It was amazing if Jungkook's relationship made it past a week.

Taehyung nodded, sighing. He looked back up to Jungkook and smiled slightly.

Taehyung didn't eat much for lunch and when Jimin asked about it he just blamed it on too much breakfast. Jimin was starting to worry about Taehyung. He'd never seen him so lovesick before and who knows how bad it might get if they have to do a project together.

After school, Jimin had to go straight home so he wasn't able to walk Taehyung home. After apologizing many times he started heading home. Taehyung started walking as well. When he got behind the school he ran into Jungkook. "Hey, Taehyung, right?" Jungkook asked, walking over to him. Taehyung blushed brightly and nodded. Jungkook smiled softly and took a piece of paper out of his pocket, grabbing Taehyung's hand and putting the piece of paper in it. When Jungkook touched Taehyung's hand he could feel it burning up. It felt like his hand had been put in a fire. "We're going to be science partners so you're going to need my number," Jungkook said, smiling. Taehyung laughed nervously, holding the number tightly in his hand. "Thank you. I-I'll text you when I get home.." He smiled, cursing himself for stuttering. Jungkook patted his shoulder and smiled. "Looking forward to it." Jungkook winked, making Taehyung even more flustered. Taehyung waved him goodbye and ran off, looking down at the ground.

'God, why do i have to be so easily flustered?" Taehyung asked himself. He made it to his house, the number still tightly in his hand. Taehyung greeted his parents before going up to his room and flopped down on his bed. He brought the hand holding the number up to his chest. He sighed, taking out his phone and putting the number in his contacts. He hesitantly texted the number.

Taehyung: hey, is this jungkook?


Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed! I purple you 💜

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