Chapter 29

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"Hey, TaeTae!" Jungkook's voice rung through the phone into Taehyung's ear, making him smile brightly. "Hey, Kookie! How's it going?" Taehyung asked, his voice still slightly groggy due to him just waking up. "It's going okay. I've just had to clean and do a ton of chores over and over and over again because they weren't "good enough" the first time. And I only got hit once!"

Taehyung gasped, which made Jungkook realize he probably shouldn't have said that.. "What? He hit you?" Taehyung yelled. "How bad is it?"

Jungkook bit his lip and subconsciously brought his hand to the red mark on his left cheek. "I-It's not that bad, baby! I swear! I'm okay!" Jungkook answered, trying to calm Taehyung.

"Jungkook.. can you send me a picture..?" Taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook sighed. "It might not show up very well..." Jungkook put his phone on speaker and took a picture of his cheek before sending it to Taehyung.

Taehyung opened the message and inspected the photo. He could see the red outline of the hand, very faintly, but it was there. "Jungkook... this is not okay... how long will he be staying?"

"Only two more days, baby.." Jungkook said.

"Wait.. can you come over to my house after school and tell your dad it's for studying. We need to finish our science anyway."

Jungkook bit his lip. " I don't think I'm going to be able to go to school today.. I don't need people questioning the mark.. hopefully it'll be gone tomorrow."

Taehyung nodded sadly. He was about to say something when he heard a loud bang from Jungkook's side of the phone which made him jump. "Jungko-"

"I gotta go!" He yelled and hung up, not even giving Taehyung a chance to say goodbye.

This worried Taehyung. What if he gets hurt again?

Taehyung looked over at the time and his eyes widened. He jumped up and ran out of his room and ran downstairs, grabbing his backpack quickly and yelling a goodbye to his parents before running out the door.

Jin looked at the door as it slammed shut and then looked over at Namjoon before shaking his head and going back to what he was doing.

Taehyung made it to the gates of the school in less than 5 minutes. He was completely out of breath and thought he was going to collapse and he put his hands on his knees and bent over, trying to catch his breath.

"Taehyungieeee!" Jimin's excited voice could be heard from a far. Taehyung looked over and saw Jimin. The sight of the smaller male running towards him immediately brightened his mood. He stood up straight and and smiled at Jimin as he got closer.

Jimin smiled brightly and jumped on Taehyung, wrapping his legs around Taehyung's waist and hugging him close. Taehyung chuckled and put his hands on the back of Jimin's thighs to hold him up. Taehyung could see Yoongi coming over to them as well, shaking his head.

Taehyung looked at Jimin and smiled. "How's it going?" Jimin smiled. "I missed you!!" Jimin said, jumping down and walking over to Yoongi. "I saw you yesterday, Jimin," Taehyung said, laughing. He nodded and smiled at Yoongi as a way of acknowledging his presence. Yoongi nodded back and gave Taehyung a small smile.

"I know, but I still missed you.." Jimin pouted. Taehyung chuckled and patted Jimin's head. "I missed you too, Chim."

Jimin smiled and then looked around, confused. "Where's Jungkook?" He asked, looking back up at Taehyung. Taehyung's smile turned back to a frown. "He won't be coming to school today.. he wasn't feeling good.." Taehyung said. Yoongi nodded. "That sucks.." Yoongi mumbled.

Taehyung nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. "Anyway, how was your guy's night?" Taehyung asked, trying to change the subject.

Yoongi looked at Jimin, coughed and looked back at Taehyung. "It was good." He shrugged. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at them and looked at Jimin, who's face was redder than hell. Taehyung realized what happened and laughed. "Jeez. Can you guys go one night without fucking each other?" Taehyung said, laughing.

Yoongi shrugged. "Jimin was asking for it when he kept bouncing on my lap.." Jimin was about to defend himself when Taehyung put his hand out. "I don't wanna hear about how you guys got to the point of fucking." He laughed.

"Where's Hobi?" Taehyung asked. "Oh.. we don't know.. maybe he's still sick from yesterday?" Yoongi said. Taehyung's nodded. "Maybe. Looks like it'll just be us three," Jimin said, smiling and clinging onto Yoongi. "Great," Taehyung mumbled. "I have to be a third wheel for the day." He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

Jimin let go of Yoongi and got behind Taehyung, hugging his waist. He put his chin on his shoulder. "You won't be a third wheel, Taetae." Yoongi rolled his eyes and giggled. "Now I feel like a third wheel to my own boyfriend," He said chuckling.

Jimin giggled and grabbed Yoongi and Taehyung's hand. "There." He smiled. Taehyung and Yoongi smiled as well.

Suddenly, the bell rang and the three boys ran to the door hand in hand. They all said their goodbyes when they went separate ways, as well.

Taehyung couldn't keep his mind off Jungkook for the whole day. He kept wondering if he was okay, wondering if he should tell his parents about the problem. He remembered Jungkook saying something about how his father was a very successful lawyer and he could convince anyone of anything, but Taehyung has picture proof of Jungkook's abuse.

He didn't know what to do... he couldn't stand to see or hear about Jungkook getting hurt anymore.

•time skip to after school because I'm already 1000 words in and nothing has happened•

Taehyung waved to Jimin and Yoongi before taking out his phone and calling Hoseok.

He picked up relatively quick. "Hey, Tae! What's up?" He answered. "Hey, Hobi! I was just wondering why you weren't at school today. I had to third wheel with yoonmin." Taehyung chuckled at the name he had thought of. "Oh.. I was really tired and still felt a bit sick from yesterday. Sorry," Hoseok answered, chuckling slightly himself.

"It's okay! Are you going to be here tomorrow? Because I dont feel like third wheelin again If Jungkook cant make it."

"Yeah, I should be there. What's wrong with Jungkook, anyway?"

"Ah- just not feeling very well..." Taehyung frowned.

Hoseok nodded and sighed. "Well, ill see you tomorrow, TaeTae!"

"Yeah! See you, Hobi!" Taehyung hung up and put his phone in his pocket as he made his way to his house.

He walked in and his eyes widened. "What happened!" He exclaimed.
Haha! Get wrecked! Y'all get a cliffhanger~~~~~~~~ love youuuuuuu byeeeeeee

Happy late birthday to Mark also ❤️

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