Chapter 9 | Isabella

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"Yes," Poseidon asked, eyes wide and hopeful as he leaned closer.

"Can I have a bunny rabbit," I asked, holding my breath.  I had always wanted one but my uncle would never let me have one when I was younger.  He claimed that he would end up taking care of it  - completely untrue!

"Sure Kitten," he grinned.  I beamed in return at this, jumping up so I could hug him.

"Really," I breathed.  I felt him move slightly and assumed he was nodding.

"Of course.  Anything you want Princess."  

My eyes glinted evilly at that; those were the wrong words to say to someone who had leverage on you.  They were just lucky Zeus wasn't here. 

I immediately pulled away, looking up at his face to see if he meant it, which he seemed to.  I'm pretty sure I could actually hear Hades facepalming in the background. I could certainly see him doing so  at any rate.  I decided to ignore him for the moment.

"Anything?" I widened my large amber eyes at this to Bambi proportions. Hades was frantically gesturing to Poseidon in an increasingly agitated manner.

I was so going to milk this.

"No!"  He must have caught on to something being off with my tone.  Perhaps he had finally noticed Hades wildly gesticulating.

I pouted up at Poseidon's massive frame now, eyes widening still further.  I would need to pull out my infamous puppy-dog look for this to work.  Luckily, they had zero immunity and I had quite a bit of practice...well, luckily for me.  I even added a few tears.

What?  Their brother bit me and Poseidon threw water at me!  I was impressed that my bones hadn't broken.  It felt like he had ripped a chunk of flesh from my neck.  Sorry, but I was not into cannibalism.  If he is, that's a him problem, not a me problem.

Theoretically at least.

I could see Poseidon starting to waver as Hades just watched us in mild amusement as he appeared to have given up on signaling Poseidon to not listen to me.  He probably wanted to see how we would interact and what each of us would do.  Hades amber eyes bounced between the two of us like he was watching a tennis match he was hoping to learn from.

He seemed to be attempting to repress a smirk but was forced to cover it with his hand when he realized that wasn't working too well for him.  He lazily leaned back against a nearby counter, crossing his arms as he silently watched us.

I internally grinned at the thought that Hades already knew me so well.  It was unfortunate that Poseidon didn't.

"You don't love me," I whispered as tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"What?!  Of course I do!"  His golden orbs widened slightly in his panic.

"Really," I whimpered, sniffling slightly.  I covered my face in case he realized that I wasn't crying  anymore as I continued to sniffle.


"So I can still get a rabbit?  Any rabbit," I added.

"Yes!" he dragged me over to him, pulling me to sit on his lap, rocking me back and forth.

"And an art room," I continued.  I turned and buried my face in his chest since I had run out of fake tears a few minutes ago and he was playing with my hands.

"Of course baby," he reassured me as he stroked dark curls away from my face.

"And a library..?"

"We already have one love."

"You do?"

"Well not here but---"

"Oh," I said quietly.  That was actually alright with me, as long as they had one.  I didn't want them to spend money on anything they would have to leave behind, that seemed wasteful.  

He looked upset at my response though.  He must have thought I was upset since he could only base my responses on my muffled voice at this point.  I was shaking slightly from suppressed laughter, although he probably thought it was still tears; his turquoise sweater was soaked.

"We can get you whatever books you want," he said hastily as I nuzzled my face into his neck.

"And my own personal library," I pressed as I adjusted myself on his lap so I could better read his expression.  I couldn't wait to see their pack's library. 

He paused.

"Belle," he said slowly.  I looked up at him at his sudden change in tone.

My eyes immediately widened once more as they met his.  "Yes," I repeated just as slowly, slightly wary.

"How long have you been pretending to cry?"  He eyed me carefully as his arms unconsciously tightened around my waist.


"Isabelle whatever your middle name is Cunningham," he warned more sternly as Hades looked on with an amused glint in his amber eyes.  

I attempted to save myself by wriggling to get off of his lap.  Fish had nothing on me in that moment.  His grip simply tightened in response.  I went limp after struggling in his arms for a few more moments.  Giving up, I let out a small huff as I turned back around to face him.

Slumping, I finally gave in and answered him.  

"If I said the whole time would I still get the rabbit, art room and library?" I looked up at him with a cheeky grin, completely dry eyed.

He simply sighed.

I gleefully noted that he didn't say no though.

A/N: So what do you think of Poseidon?  Which of Bella's relationship's is your favorite so far?  Would you like to see more of any particular characters?



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