The quidditch jersey

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Disclaimer: written by @DeepSeaFanglyFish

Lily Evans was having one of those days where you show up to class in your boyfriend's quidditch pullover. He'd laughed when she'd slid in next to him at their table that morning, and she'd kind of understood. What a sight she must've been, messy bun and rumpled knee-length skirt with her tie undone and her button-up wrinkled.

"Wow," he'd said, reaching over to fix her tie. "You okay, Evans?"

"Fine," she'd answered. "Just tired."

And he'd shot her a worried look, kissing her softly before tugging on her blouse. "You sure?"

"Yes," she'd answered. "I'm allowed to have a bad day every now and again." And then she zipped his sweatshirt up to hide her wrinkled shirt.

"I know," he'd answered, resting his hand on her knee under the table. "When did you steal that, anyway?"

That had finally gotten a laugh as she'd reached across the table to grab a piece of toast. "The other night. You shouldn't leave your quidditch things around the common room. You know I love to take them."

"I don't mind, really," he'd admitted. "I kind of like seeing you walk around with my name on your back.

And she hadn't admitted it, but sometimes she just felt like being labeled as his as well.

"What do we have first today?" She'd asked him, taking a bite of her toast as he poured her a cup of pumpkin juice.

"You sure you're okay?" He'd asked, a soft teasing undertone to his voice. She loved the hazel glint in his eyes he got whenever he smirked, always had. "It's not like you to forget your schedule."

"I barely even know what day it is."

"What time did you go to bed last night?"

"3. I was finishing that charms essay."

"You could've asked me," he'd told her sweetly, pushing some stray curls out of her face. "I would've lent you mine."

"You finished it on time and I didn't?"

"Sounds like," he'd answered with a grin. "Losing your touch, Evans?"

"Sod off, Potter," she'd told him unable to suppress her grin. She hadn't spoken those words seriously to him since the previous year.

"Sorry, Evans," he'd answered as he went back to his breakfast. "Won't get rid of me that easily."

And she hadn't; he'd walked with her in the hallways all day, hand in hand, trying to make up for her bad night. She'd been surprised when he'd offered to carry her books, and thankful when he'd done most of the work on the potion (Slughorn called them the dream team, two of his best potions students working together.) It wasn't until the break after double potions that she'd really been blown away though:

"You look like you're about to pass out. Do you wanna go take a nap or something? I'll come with." He offered.

"Are you sure? Don't you have a quidditch practice?"

"Yeah, but I'll skip it for you."

"What kind of ruddy captain are you?" she teased, pushing him gently. She felt like her world was consumed by him in that moment as he stood in front of his, trapping her against the stone wall outside the potions room. She didn't think she'd be able to say no if she tried.

"Sirius will take care of things," he promised. "Come on, Lil."

"Fine," she said. "If you're sure."

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