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Tying your shoes, you continuously glanced over at Sohyun. She was at her desk, focusing on her succulents. She hasn't quite spoken to you since yesterday. After you told her not to spend time with Taehyung, she didn't text or even call. Then she was already asleep by the time you came back from watching a movie with Namjoon. Now in the morning of the next day, the interactions were short. Too short for your liking. Did your scolding upset her that much? Those were your thoughts, but she didn't look upset. She was smiling as she took care of her plants. Her phone was playing music on a low volume and she was humming along. Sohyun looked fine so you didn't understand why you were feeling so uncertain.

You wanted to try talking to her and get a conversation rolling. A natural one. Not something stupid like an ice breaker over the weather. There had to be something the two of you could talk about. Typically, you would have no problem starting something up. The both of you were capable of rambling on about nothing for hours. Now it suddenly felt hard. Maybe you could mention the fact that some dude proposed to you. That was certainly an idea. You still felt weird looking back on that. You weren't taking it too seriously. He was either dared to do so or on something. No sane person would propose to someone they've never met for a genuine reason.

Honestly, you hope you never see Hoseok or whatever his name is again. He's added to the list alongside Taehyung. The men here are weird enough already. You didn't care how attractive they were. The minute they open their mouths to you, you feel like running away. Thankfully Namjoon and Beomseok are normal. Well, Beomseok is as normal as it can get around here. Letting go of your shoelaces, you set your feet down on the ground. Sohyun carefully arranged the pebbles in her terrarium, smiling at it. The succulents were in a glass sphere with one circular opening on the side. Succulents don't require a lot of root space so little terrariums were good for them. They looked pretty inside them too, but that also meant that Sohyun's side of the room was gaining more succulents when she left a handful behind at Mom and Dad's.

"Another terrarium?" You asked.

"Yeah, it's the last one. I swear." Sohyun turned off her music. She stood up, setting it on a small table at the side of her desk. She cleaned up after herself, eventually dusting off her hands. You nibbled on your lip to hear the familiar white noise again. Say something.

"You know...I got proposed to last night." You looked down at the floor as she froze. Sohyun blinked at you, struggling to speak.


"No! God, no! Namjoon would never and he's normal!" You shook her head as she furrowed her brows at you. "It was some random guy I've never met before. He must have been drunk or high. Really, it was the weirdest sh*t I'd ever experienced."

"Really?" Sohyun laughed. "I don't know how I would have reacted."

"You'd probably be too kind to say no." You teased to see her gasp at you. She punched her hands into her hips, giving you her best intimidating look.

"I wouldn't say yes to some rando about that!" Sohyun began to laugh. Her acting intimidating never really worked. You were quick to smile and laugh with her too.

That was able to make you feel comfortable around Sohyun. Even if you thought there was any tension before, it was all gone now. Sohyun was in a good mood. She was smiling and acting like herself so nothing was wrong. You almost expected her to act a bit pouty and cold towards you for a few days. Instead she was like flowers and candy. This was turning out a lot better than you expected. At least she won't be going after Taehyung anymore. That man is no good for anyone. You don't know what his deal is and you don't really care to find out.

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