His World

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It was a good thing you hadn't eaten breakfast already although that was also a bad thing. Sort of. It was hard to decide how bad it was. It just meant you couldn't get out of eating breakfast with Taehyung, but it was nice spending more time with Jimin. There were a lot of positives and negatives that were coming out of this. You just weren't sure which one was stronger. It was extremely awkward for the most part. Anyone could sense that from a mile away. Luckily, the three of you were the only ones in the common room. Most of the guys were either staying in their dorms or off at their classes. They didn't have to witness this strange breakfast going down.

All of you were eating plain cereal. That was what Jimin found available besides a half empty box of pop tarts. This was as good as breakfast was going to get in this building. Jimin left himself to do all the work, insisting that Taehyung and you just sit down at a table. It wasn't necessarily a painful experience to be left alone with Taehyung, but it certainly wasn't pleasant. He sat across from you with his eyes stuck on you. They wouldn't leave your form no matter how many times you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. You made eye contact a few times with him in hopes that he would look away, but he stayed confident. You couldn't say you were that surprised.

Jimin brought over three Styrofoam bowls. Was that all this place had? While your brows were knitted together, Taehyung laid back in his seat without much care. Cheerios spilled out into each bowl before Jimin put milk in them. He closed the carton, bringing it back over to the fridge as he pulled out three plastic spoons for all of you to use. Already, you could see a huge difference between this dorm and your own. Were they all too lazy to wash a dish? Not that eating from disposable bowls was a huge problem. Giving Jimin a weak smile, you watched him hurriedly sit down between Taehyung and you as he clapped his hands together.

"Breakfast~!" Jimin smiled, letting out a giggle. His bright personality was enough to make you feel better.

This was quite the breakfast meal. To be fair, not exactly what you had imagined yet it would still do. You smiled back at Jimin until you meet eyes with Taehyung. His expression looked slightly annoyed for some reason. What was his problem? Did he not want you interrupting his breakfast with his roommate or was it the fact that you witnessed Jungkook push him? Well, Jungkook has treated you a lot worse. That's something you're certain of even though Jungkook just treats everyone poorly it feels like. It's still a wonder on how that guy is wandering around this campus. You would have thought he'd be kicked out for his explosive temper and violent behavior that was impulsive, but he's still here.

You're glad that you're away from Jungkook though. Seeing him for a quick moment was frightening. Had you been alone with him...a shiver ran down your spine. It sounded creepy. Jimin was by your side and Taehyung helped add to the witnesses around just in case. You think that's why Jungkook decided to ignore you. That didn't stop him from being rude obviously. You did feel bad for Taehyung to see him get shoved like that. From the way Taehyung didn't fight back, you had a feeling that happened often. None of them stood up to Jungkook. It's not like that would go well either if they tried. They unfortunately had to share the same room as that guy. That sucks.

Grabbing the spoon, you take a bite as the other two eat just as silently. It was awkward. Painfully so. Jimin was the only reason Taehyung and you were spending time together like this. Otherwise you would have left a lot earlier. Jimin eventually began humming as he ate, acting as if Cheerios were the best thing he's eaten in all his life. You felt tempted to scream at what you were experiencing. For Taehyung, he thought it was strange. He could sense that, but he at least was spending time with you in a way. If it weren't for Jimin then he knew you would never give him the time of day. No matter how close he got to Sohyun or how many times he apologized. You were stubborn as a rock in his eyes and he wasn't too far off.

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