Wedding Bonus

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Wedding Bonus

Today was a major day. It had been one you had always been looking forward to, but the anticipation truly started in college. For the short time that you were there, that was enough to make you think of this day. You waited for it. You had your fingers crossed and prayed to anyone listening for the day it happened. Now it finally was! Today marked the day that all your dreams came true. Well, Taehyung's too. More importantly, Sohyun's dreams. It had always been her dream to get a nice boyfriend and eventually marry him. That was always something you hoped for her too. You wanted her to find someone who would cherish her, love her, and to share her happiness with. Beomseok was the guy who made it all a reality.

After four years of dating throughout university, Beomseok finally popped the question. He wrote to Taehyung nonstop about it. He wanted to make it perfect which Taehyung assured him that it would be great no matter what. Beomseok had graduated two years earlier than Sohyun, but he was extremely proud of her when it was finally her turn. She graduated with a degree in horticulture. Beomseok took so many pictures of her and hugged her tight. His parents were also proud of her along with hers. It was time to celebrate so they all went to Beomseok's farm for the party. It was a lot closer than where your adoptive parents lived.

All of them were celebrating with Sohyun. She would have an internship as a floral designer with Sanghee straight out of university. They couldn't stop being excited for her. It felt like the best day of Sohyun's life already, but then Beomseok changed her life forever. Towards the end of the night was when it happened. They had been outside playing with sparklers when Sohyun looked up at the starry sky. She had grown more familiar with astronomy and she smiled to notice the very small star in the sky. It was actually Pluto. And that's when Beomseok called her name, pulling her attention away where she saw him down on one knee. After a passionate and tear jerking proposal, Sohyun happily accepted with both their families overjoyed for the two.

A couple months of planning and now Sohyun was having her wedding. Tomorrow. The ones for the humans at least. Tonight was for the aliens. AKA, you and the rest of the Princes. Sohyun had planned it to be at the beach and at night. The setting was already looking beautiful with the full moon glimmering over the water. The waves were calm with a light breeze in the air. You had been helping set things up with the Princes while Beomseok and Sohyun were separated for traditional purposes. He shouldn't see the bride just yet. You were working so hard to make this small and intimate wedding everything Sohyun wanted. It was just a little bit of a struggle with the Princes wandering around all over the place instead of sitting still!

"Namjoon!" You stomped your foot before grimacing. A flood of sand seeped into your baby pink heels. Namjoon bit his lip, holding back his laughter at your pain.

"Yes?" He grinned.

"You better sit your @ss down so I can go call the bride. I expected better from you." You plucked your heel off, dumping out the sand. You were in a baby pink dress which was Sohyun's favorite color. Naturally, you were the maid of honor. Technically Sanghee would be it for the human one.

"I was just looking at the stars—"

"Namjoon, I see the crab in your hand. Go take a seat before I beat you." You threatened. Namjoon frowned with a sigh. He wished he had a little more time with the small creature. They were so mesmerizing. The ones on Neptune always got so large when they grew up and way too fast at that. Yet the ones here on Earth could be small and fully grown adults. They were adorable. Too bad he couldn't play with them a little longer. He clicked his tongue, setting the crab back down to satisfy you.

"You know, I was going to say you looked good in your dress until you said that." Namjoon huffed.

"And I was going to say you had a nice @ss in those slacks, but you're annoying me. Sit down!" You pointed at the small area where all the chairs were set up. Namjoon sucked in his cheeks, poking his tongue against the wall of his cheek. His face was pink, but he didn't bother saying anything else. You left him speechless as he just walked over to take a seat. It was easier giving in than figuring out a response to that.

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