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Still no word from Father Mercury according to Namjoon. All of you were getting impatient before wondering if everything was okay. That instantly had Namjoon worried until he finally received a letter. His Dad had a bit of trouble getting all the Kings together for an impromptu meeting. That was understandable considering how rough their relationships were with each other if they weren't allies. Father Mercury caught them up on what was going on with all their children. You had been officially found which was news to the rest of the Kings. Reactions were mixed among them which made you nervous. Would they be against you compared to their sons?

A few of them had an easier time accepting that their child wanted an alliance with the Princess of Pluto. You're sure the Kings whose children originally wanted you dead weren't for the idea. But there was no time for that which Father Mercury convinced them. All of them had to suck it up and work together just like their children if they truly wanted harmony returned to the planets. Mother Pluto had to be overthrown together. So that's where you guys currently are in the situation. They were working on alerting their militaries and setting everything up for the first attack on Pluto. They'll let you guys know when everything is ready to proceed as planned.

As for now, all eight of you could resume living as normal humans. Each of you were alert though. Some more than others which tended to be the older Princes along with you. The three youngest Princes weren't as on edge which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Taehyung was putting a lot of effort into completing a self portrait for his art final, Jimin did a mix of studying for his own finals while supporting Taehyung, and Jungkook beat a level he had been stuck on for the longest time on his phone. This was how they busied themselves inside their dorm. They used to struggle living with each other but now things were peaceful. An extreme contrast to how it used to be in their dorm.

A large tarp was set on the floor on Taehyung's side of the room. Paints were on the floor while he focused on capturing his art. He's never stared at a mirror for so long, but he had no complaints. He loved to see his face anyway. Jimin had his earphones in while going through his notes. Occasionally he turns in his seat to give Taehyung finger hearts. Jungkook kept his eyes glued on his phone screen, his entire body tense as he focused on defeating the boss. And then he won. Just as Jungkook's character was one strike away from dying, he managed to beat the boss! Immediately he jumped high on his bed with a wide smile on his face.

"I BEAT THE BOSS!!" Jungkook threw his fists in the air. "This is almost better than an orgasm, holy sh*t."

"I was gonna say I was proud until you said that." Taehyung cringed.

"What? It's the best way to describe it!" Jungkook laughed as Taehyung shook his head lightly. While any kind of sexual talk made Taehyung uncomfortable, he knew how Jungkook was. A lewd joke here and there was something Taehyung could handle. Though Jimin looked over his shoulder with a frown, eyes narrowing down on Jungkook.

"Quit making those jokes. No one finds them funny." Jimin's tone was low and aggressive. It took Taehyung by surprise who awkwardly stared at the maknae.

"It wasn't...forget it." Jungkook's bright mood sank significantly. He went back to curling himself on his bed, playing his game again.

Taehyung kept his mouth shut. He didn't know what to say. He was just shocked Jimin would say something like that. Taehyung never imagined his cute little friend to ever talk like that. It felt strange to witness. Though Taehyung had been noticing some slight tension between the two boys lately. At the meeting with Beomseok and then little incidents like this in the dorm. All Jungkook had to do was make a minor joke or something and Jimin was quick to scold him. It was only when Taehyung was proving to enjoy Jungkook's company that Jimin acted all nice. There was something going on. Taehyung just knew it and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

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