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Namjoon gently put your feet on the ground. You were still an emotional mess, but you could at least stand on your own two feet now. Even with how lightheaded you still felt. Namjoon continued to keep his arms around you since he knew your legs would be wobbly. He sighed softly to himself, making sure that you were doing okay. You were responding normally as if you were on Earth which was a good sign. He was worried your body would react negatively. You were so accustomed to Earth's pressure and gravity that he wasn't sure how you would handle being on any of the planets, but you were doing well. You were wiping your face and calming down as the blue stripes of light slowly began to disappear around the two of you.

At least Namjoon was smiling as he looked around. He was back home. It felt good to be back where he belonged. He already couldn't wait to show you off to his parents, but he knew better than to bring his people's attention to you. The Princess of Pluto was to remain a secret to them. They all still believed you were lost. Little did the Mercurian people know that you were in the arms of their beloved Prince. Namjoon continued to hold you, his dimples deep in his cheeks now that he was surrounded by the greyish blue monochromatic colors he missed. These colors belonged to the precious planet he represented. Namjoon slowly released you as he saw the blue flash bouncing against the walls of his room.

"Give me a moment, (F/n)." Namjoon took a step away from you. He stretched his arms out as the blue latched onto his arm. It quickly circled around his arm before the blue ribbon stretched to wrap around his entire body. With a bright flash, Namjoon was no longer dressed in the casual clothes he had been wearing when you found him in his dorm. He was now wearing an outfit meant for royalty.

Namjoon's hair was pushed back with the tips looking wispy. There was a thin cape hanging from his shoulders that was connected by a metal chain. The cape ended just below his torso. He wore a pale blue shirt that had multiple thin metal chains dripping from the center. Each was attached to a button that resembled the sun. It was long sleeved and puffed out before it was tied at his wrists. You see that metal must have been important to Mercury with how much of it was on Namjoon's uniform. So many thin metal chains were tied around his wrists with a few hanging loosely on purpose. A large dark colored band was around his waist where it started to turn into his pants that were eventually tucked into tall boots that went up to his calf. Then a small symbol was at the collar of Namjoon's shirt. It must represent Mercury.

It was old news at this point, but wow...he really was a Prince. You swallowed nervously, wondering if this really meant you were on Mercury. It didn't feel that different from Earth. You were inside a building though so maybe you would be able to tell the difference once you step outside. Looking away from Namjoon, you took the time to process the room you were suddenly in. It had the same color pattern that you would always see Namjoon wearing. It was like any regular bedroom and that's when you realized this must have been Namjoon's room. He let you take a look around, walking behind you as you inspected the metal trinkets that appeared to be all over Namjoon's room. Each of them playing with gravity in their own strange way.

"You really are a nerd..." You poked a trinket. There were multiple metal rings that all turned, but never overlapped with each other. You turned a knob which had them all turn in different directions. It was actually quite mesmerizing.

"We're on Mercury and that's the first thing you say?" Namjoon walked over to you, staring down at all the contraptions he collected.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood up with a joke I guess..." You moved your hand away from it. Namjoon nodded at your words as you slowly looked back at him. "You look really handsome by the way."

"Thank you." Namjoon smiled. You were being sincere and there was no teasing. It really looked nice on him, but you knew the outfit held meaning to Mercury with how prideful he was looking. You brought your hand up to the metal chains on his chest. "It's iron. That's Mercury's biggest natural resource and it's what creates our cities."

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