Two Birds, One Stone

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Sohyun has been gone for too long. This wasn't good. Nothing about this was good as you felt paranoia and guilt eating at you. Why did you wait this long? What are you going to do now? How do you explain this to your parents? Gosh, you should have told them earlier rather than later. You had hoped for Sohyun to return to the dorm eventually, but she never did. The door never unlocked to reveal her small form. She wasn't walking in to sleep on her bed or checking on her succulents. She left everything abandoned and you didn't know what to do.

What made matters worse was your Mother. The Queen of Pluto was trying to communicate with you in your dreams all over again. You'd appear randomly throughout the palace where she would try to talk to you. As soon as you sensed her nearby, you would wake yourself up in order to avoid her. You didn't want to hear anything she had to say. That's been causing you a lot of lack of sleep though you have gotten lucky on the occasion with getting a few hours in unbothered. Getting some sleep in with Sohyun missing made you feel awful, but it also posed another problem. Your new life was trying to distract you all over again when your sister is missing!

You needed to focus on Sohyun, but it was clear that your Mother wasn't going to give up. She was going to keep persisting until you had a conversation with her. Either in person or through the dreams. You'd rather not have any at all with her. What you wanted was figure out where Sohyun was. It just felt like you wouldn't get much progress done with your Mother's attempts. She was being a thorn in your side. Does she really want to talk that badly? It only made your blood boil as you remembered the conversation you had with the boys and the fight you had with her. If you do talk with your Mother then it certainly will be for the last time. You have no interest in forming a family bond with her anymore. That dream had been dead for a while now.

You had a feeling that dead dream wouldn't make her happy. She was so insistent on the two of you having a strong family bond. Though family was important to you, it has never been about blood to you. It has always been about feeling. Your adoptive family have always felt like a warm cozy home compared to Mother's cold empty palace. The longer you stayed on Earth after the fight, the less you wanted to return to Pluto with her there. You would love for Pluto to be your home. Just without her in the picture. That was a conversation you needed to have with her eventually. The other boys had a feeling that's where it would go with everything that they told you. The only ones out of the loop were Jungkook and Yoongi since you haven't seen them in days. They might rejoice the second they find out you're against your Mother now.

The only people you were going to confirm it to were Namjoon and Hoseok. You were heading over to their dorm right now to tell them you were going to make a quick trip over to Pluto. With all the dreams becoming a distraction, you were going to take care of your Mother before returning to deal with the disappearance with Sohyun. That would be something they would understand. Your attention currently has to be split for both circumstances, but you were waiting to give all your focus to Sohyun's case. You were able to enter the dorm building and make your way over to their floor. A part of you was nervous to face Mother all over again after the argument, but you just wanted to get it over with at the same time. Knocking on their door, it soon opened to reveal Hoseok with his heart shaped smile.

"Hey there, Cutie." Hoseok made his brows bounce before letting you in. Giggling, you ignored the blush that was creeping up on the back of your neck. You walked in the room to see Namjoon at his desk with the fluorite stone sitting on top of his head.

"Woah. Channeling that study energy, Nerd?" You teased as you walked over.

"No, Hoseok was just being a nuisance." Namjoon sighed as he continued to work on a paper.

"Rude!" Hoseok scoffed. He put a hand on his chest, faking his hurt as he walked over to pluck the stone off his friend's head. "I put it there to motivate you!"

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