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Yesterday was big day for the sole purpose that you beat Yoongi at his own game! That's what made today such a big day as well! Not only was your existence itself a way to rub it in Yoongi's face that he failed, but it was also your job to boast about it. Clearly you couldn't go around shouting it at passing students and telling Sohyun was never an option. The only people you could tell were the ones you considered friends who were a part of this mess. Namjoon and Hoseok wouldn't be happy to hear that Yoongi tried to kill you. That much you already knew but wait until they heard about how you handled him! The one time you're smart! And of course, you just had to invite Seokjin and Jimin so they could know what happened immediately after they left you alone.

As to how Seokjin and Jimin would react, you weren't too sure. They obviously wouldn't like it since they're your friends. You just imagined Jimin feeling worried and scared for you. That sounded the most likely while you couldn't picture anything for Seokjin. He's a bit of a mystery and a weird one in general. He could either completely laugh and cheer along with you or get super serious and grumpy. He didn't seem to mess around much when it came the truth about the planets. Those were the few times you saw an almost neutral expression on his face. Looks like you'll find out what he thinks about it when he shows up today!

You had everything set and by that, you meant that you bought a couple juices pouches and a large bag of chips. This was as good as the party was going to get. There's not a lot of money for you to spend out of the blue like this. Still, it was for a good cause. You thought so at least. Everything would have been nicer if you got party hats, but that was passing the limit you gave yourself. Other than that, you would have to say that it all looked nice. You were waiting by some tables near your dorm building and you got excited when the first guests arrived.

There's no one better with punctuality than Namjoon himself. He looked really good today with his bluish hair looking more silver from the sunlight. It was gelled back, showing his forehead as he wore his typical grey blue monochromatic colors. He smiled at you with Hoseok right behind him. Hoseok also looked nice for today's little party. He put a small part in his curly brown hair, the slightest bit of forehead showing. Then his outfit was kept casual and he pulled it off as if he could be a model. It made you wonder if it was a requirement for Princes to be handsome because this was getting unfair to you.

"You made it!" You got away from the table to run towards them. "Nerd!"

"Of co—oof!" Namjoon almost fell back from the force of the hug you gave him. He sighed, hugging you back. You did that on purpose and he knew that. Peeking your head out from his chest, you gave him a sneaky smirk while he gently shook his head at you.

"And my hug?" Hoseok raised a brow.

"I'm on it! Hold your horses." You let go of Namjoon as you walked over to Hoseok. The brunette couldn't hide his smirk as he opened his arms to you. He was looking a little too smug so you had a way to handle that. Just as you hugged Hoseok, you used all your strength to crush him. Hoseok panicked as he tried to tap Namjoon for help.

"You wanted the hug." Namjoon shrugged, walking over to the table to look over the things you brought. He poked at the bag of chips as he ignored Hoseok's gasps for help.

"(F-F/n)!!" Hoseok was squirming too much as he finally broke free. He's lucky! You shook out your arms, laughing at his reaction. Hoseok was breathing hard and whining about how he wanted a nice hug. A soft one that was cute! His words. He should have known better though you did have to thank Sanghee. She taught you how to give the tightest hugs so now that will come in handy if the boys ever get a little too cocky. "Was this party just an attempt to kill me?"

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