A Night to Remember

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Jimin Bonus Ending

This was probably the second most stressful and nerve wracking moment for Jimin when it came to you. His crush just wouldn't seem to subside. He really thought that maybe it would fade away and he could focus on being only friends with you. That's what he originally wanted, but as time passed, it became more clear to Jimin that he didn't want to go back to that. His crush on you had grown stronger. It had found itself a solid foundation for it to continue growing. His love for you was blooming by the day. That's when Jimin panicked. His love. Jimin had fallen in love with you while he waited for you to give him a response back on his feelings. His feelings got a whole lot worse.

Maybe that was dramatic thinking, but he has been spending more time with Taehyung lately. Due to that, his best friend has been getting fed up with all the 'love fumes' leaving Jimin. Whatever that meant. It was clear to Taehyung that Jimin was in it deep with you and something needed to be done. Jimin just needed to ask you out already. That much was clear to the Venusian. The lack of pursuing done by Jimin was driving Taehyung crazy. All the redhead saw was the blonde gazing at you longingly and then being a blushing when the two of you did interact. That needed to be fixed immediately. The solution to that in Taehyung's eyes was to ask you on a date and that was it. That would fix the problem!

But Jimin hated that idea. He didn't have the guts to do it. Not as straightforward at least. Maybe he was overthinking it. Jimin had spent all last night thinking of the perfect way to ask you out. His hands were sweaty as he passed around envelopes to everyone at Kuiper. Jimin was going to do what Taehyung wanted. He didn't see the point in arguing with Taehyung when it came to love, but that didn't mean Jimin wouldn't do it his way. Even if his way meant throwing a lavish ball last minute. Everyone opened their invitations, eyes widening at the cards given to them. Taehyung's jaw was practically on the floor. This was not what he had expected at all. All of you were surprised.

"A ball?" Taehyung's eye twitched.

"What's the occasion?" Jungkook put the card back in its envelope.

"No occasion...just for fun." Jimin shrugged, playing with his fingers behind his back.

"You just wanna party?" Hoseok smirked. The Jupiterian lifted his gaze to Hoseok's, eyes widening. That was not his intention at all. Jimin could barely shake his head and stutter out a word when Hoseok interrupted. "Say no more, Jimin! I perfectly understand. I didn't know there was a party animal in you."

"He does like to drink!" Seokjin chimed causing Jimin to scream internally.

"H-Hyung!" Jimin whined out of embarrassment. That wasn't information Jimin wanted him spreading around. Yoongi was already chuckling in interest.

"Should I bring Saturnian wine?" Yoongi raised a brow.

"Jimin will drink anything!" Seokjin added.


At this point, Jimin felt like his soul was being ripped out of his body. This ball is supposed to be a fun and classy event. Not some wild party with heavy drinking. As much as Jimin wouldn't turn down a drink, he certainly wasn't going to drink until he blacks out. The ball is supposed to be his excuse to ask you to be his date and then hopefully if the night goes well, he'll ask you out on a real date. Potentially have you be his girlfriend by the end of the night. But that was wishful thinking! He knew better than to hope too much for that. Especially now that his closest hyung is indirectly calling him an alcoholic. His reputation was good as sh*t right now. While it was tempting to cry, it wasn't all bad.

"Alright, alright, no more teasing." Namjoon got everyone to settle down. He smiled at Jimin who was thankful. "This sounds fun, Jimin."

"Really!?" He bounced on his toes.

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