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Getting the boys to forgive Yoongi or at least accept working together with him was not easy, but it was accomplished. It took a lot of sticking by Yoongi's side and talking things through with the three youngest though it was looking good. This was exactly what you needed from all of them. Though you still wouldn't say you achieved your goal. What you would really love was for them to all get along and be friends, but that was a bit too much to ask. Wounds were fresh and you weren't going to force them to like one another. Things were tense since just a few days ago they hated each other with a passion and a murder attempt was made. That's not really something that can get brushed aside even with a sincere apology.

You may have forgiven Yoongi for what he's done against you, but you hope he sticks true to his word about wanting to change. He was hesitant so many times before approaching Jungkook. He was ready to give up. Possibly go back to how he used to be. You weren't sure if you would have to keep a watch on him in order to prevent Yoongi from reverting back to his old toxic self or if he would be fine to continue on his own. There was no guarantee to anything. All you had to do was just put faith in Yoongi for him to start doing the right thing. He's gone through all this effort knowing that everyone else was against him at some point. Any wrong move then he can be easily taken down. Jimin proved that all by himself days ago.

For that reason, you were sure Yoongi meant it. He may have been incredibly manipulative to Jungkook though you liked to believe he wouldn't put in this much effort into trying to trick you all. There wasn't enough time for the crap to happen anymore. All of you needed to figure out how to handle your mother in order to get this war to stop once and for all. You and the Princes were going to work together to overthrow her. You weren't the savior to Pluto that your Mother thought you would be. She intended you to come back to the planet to be ready to follow in her footsteps except you were prepared to take her down. She pulled the wrong move the moment she took Sohyun.

That's what you were catching up all the boys with. Some of them already knew, but you wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page. Your Mother had deceived you and really thought capturing your sister would make you give in to what she wanted you to do. Instead it only made you more determined than ever to take her down. Mother was the master of making you do what she didn't want. Now you were working with the people she didn't want you around and all of you were coming to the same conclusion as you sat with them in the private study room. It felt weird for a few of them to be back in here, but that feeling went away when you guys started talking about business.

"So we're officially overthrowing the Queen of Pluto? That's the goal?" Yoongi asked as you nodded.

"Why? Do you still want to kill her?" Hoseok raised a brow. He was teasing while Yoongi only shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. The Saturnian looked over at you, almost as if for permission.

"Whatever happens is what happens," You said as Yoongi grinned.

"Holy sh*t, yes." Yoongi tried to keep his excitement to a minimum. You chuckled at that before your eyes went over to Namjoon. He was standing up by the whiteboard in the room. Jungkook had drawn a map of all the planets and left it for Namjoon to toy around with. Now he was looking over at you guys with a serious expression.

"I only want to make sure we're all clear on something," Namjoon said with more heads turning in his direction. "We're all declaring war on Pluto, right? Not just as individuals, but we plan to formally write a declaration on all our planet's part?" The Princes in the room glanced at one another while you met eyes with them. Soon everyone was back to staring at Namjoon with confidence. There was no going back once the first move was made.

"We're declaring war." Jungkook nodded.

"What then?" Taehyung frowned. He was fidgeting with a pencil he found left on the table. He wasn't particularly excited for a full on war though there was no other choice. The Queen had to go. She couldn't possibly be that hard to defeat though with all of you teaming up against her. "Do we just...send all our protectors and troops?"

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