Emergency Meeting

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(A/n: Edit made by clucky_chicken [ig: clucky_chicken_wp] Thank you so much!)


Hoseok had you cleaned up before the meeting would start. You were shaking the entire time and he felt so guilty that you had to see that. He wished it didn't have be like this as you stared him with wide eyes. They weren't staring at him with joy anymore. Instead you were terrified for your life on who exactly you had befriended. Is this what Hoseok didn't want to dive into when discussing his past with Jungkook? That the both of them have powers? You couldn't understand how they had the ability to do what you saw. Hoseok was still kind to you, but you were on edge with everything. He couldn't blame you when you flinched from his touch rather than hugging him like last time.

And with Hoseok only saying that the three of you were going to a meeting, you were alert. What kind of meeting does he mean exactly? Hoseok was continuing to be secretive when you just wanted the truth already. Waiting for it was too scary at this point. With your clothes damp and all the mud gone, you had to trust Hoseok that you would be safe. If the kindness he showed you this past month was real then you would believe him. Besides, he saved you from Jungkook who was so filled with rage. You're lucky you came out of this without a single scratch on you. You were grateful for that as you followed Hoseok into the library.

He was carrying Jungkook who was beginning to become conscious again. Hoseok could see how anxious that was making you, but he promised you were in good hands. With the way he easily handled Jungkook earlier, you had no doubt he could knock Jungkook out without a problem again. You stayed behind Hoseok just in case Jungkook woke up and immediately made eye contact with you. His red dyed bangs were currently blocking his eyes which should stay there. The less he sees you, the better. Hoseok brought the two of you down a hallway that the library had. It was mainly a bunch of private study rooms that you've never been in before. Hoseok put Jungkook on the floor to stand on his own, but still holding him up as he unlocked the door. As soon as the door was open, Hoseok shoved Jungkook inside to stumble and eventual fall flat on the ground.

"Woah, what's going on?" Namjoon's voice caught your attention.

"You called us all here so suddenly," Seokjin said. What?

"Is everything okay?" Jimin asked softly.

"This better not be a waste of my time." Taehyung huffed.

"Oh, it won't be. Trust me." Yoongi chuckled.

Yoongi's voice. You knew everyone inside the room. How were they somehow involved in this? You figured that all of them had some sort of connection, but this was bigger than anything you could have imagined. Hoseok stepped inside the room with you coming in right after. All the boys instantly became dead quiet to see you there. Most of them were stunned except for Yoongi who smirked at you. He abandoned you. His expression made you feel sick, knowing it couldn't have been an accident at this point. You felt like throwing up. Hoseok shut the door as Jungkook slowly got up and made his way over to Yoongi's side. Seeing that made your eyes sting, but it wasn't just them. It was all of them. What did they all want with you? What did you do?

Each of your movements were slow. Stepping into the center of the room, you looked each of them in the eye. They all carried the same ashamed expression except for Jungkook and Yoongi that made you want to yell and scream. Why you? There were so many emotions that you couldn't make sense of because none of this made sense. Suddenly powers existed along with someone who wanted to murder you. Feeling overwhelmed all over again, you ignored the fresh tears building up in your eyes. You balled your hands into fists and ignored Hoseok when he asked you if you wanted to take a seat. You're going to stay standing and hear them out as they tell you the truth.

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