Crumbling Friendships

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Genetics was boring as usual. That didn't really surprise you as you made the long walk back over to the dorm. Your professor was droning on forever and you knew what he was saying was important, but he just couldn't capture your attention. It would be helpful if he said it in a more interesting way. Maybe if he had an accent. That could help. Whatever, you were somehow managing to pass Genetics with a decent grade. That's all the really mattered even though you were going to leave this place. You didn't have to try too hard with your classes but seeing as the Princes tried with the classes that they did take then you figured you shouldn't be lazy. Otherwise they'll just make you look bad.

You take care of what you have to here on Earth like college. Things simple as the greenhouse shifts will also be your responsibility. You're not exactly sure what will happen when you disappear. The thought was a little nerve wracking, but you figured that your existence would be erased from everyone's memory. If your Mother was able to get rid of some when you were five and younger then you have no doubt it would be possible with the people here. Mother never said she erased your memory, but you had a feeling she did. Everything about her was suspicious to you. You had been looking forward to moving to Pluto permanently, but you weren't so sure now with how your relationship with her currently was. You couldn't trust her.

Again, your mind was consumed by your new life. It would always be stuck on the planets and the Princes. Worrying about what you were going to eat and whether you were going to shower or not were no longer concerns. It's hard to imagine stressing about something like that with this pressure on your shoulders. You used to crave life to be more exciting and for you to find your meaning. For the longest time you felt like you had no meaning in life. That's all changed now like the cards had said. Life was currently a rollercoaster that wouldn't slow down. It's ups and downs were sharp and sudden along with the sudden loops that it put you through. But even with all that, you wanted to stay on for the ride. You've found your purpose in life. It's just not on Earth.

So even if you disappear from Earth and the others forget about you, you want to leave your old life the right way. Passing your classes, fulfilling your responsibilities, and being on good terms with everyone important in your life. To be perfectly honest, you haven't been doing so well with the last one on that list. While you haven't been treating family like dirt, you clearly haven't been doing that great at interacting with them. That's probably why Sohyun spoke to you about it earlier today. Knowing her, you knew that couldn't have been easy for her. You'll own up to your mistakes. You really haven't been making time for her and that needed to change. That's why you were rushing back to the dorm after Genetics finished.

Sohyun looked so hurt when she was talking to you. She couldn't even get herself to look at you as she spoke. She's your sister though so you know exactly how to read her. Even with the gentle voice, it was softer than usual and more fragile. She was playing with her clothes and the fact that she brought that conversation up at all was a wake up call to you. Trying to figure out how to bring harmony to the planets is extremely important. It's taken up all your time since you've returned to Earth after the first time you left, but it wouldn't hurt to patch things up with Sohyun.

She's very understanding so you know it'll take about an hour at most. What the two of you needed was just talking it out. Maybe a little crying on her part then you giving her hugs and then some food. Food always helped. Entering your dorm building, you hurried up to your dorm floor and unlocked the door. You made it as quick as you could. Pushing open the door, you had a smile on your face as you stepped inside trying to hide your panting.

"I'm...back..." You held the doorknob tightly. You had pushed the door open, barely stepping in when you noticed that the dorm was completely empty.

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